Keyword: employee benefits

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Hub International Ltd. is acquiring Calgary-based Wessex Financial Inc. Wessex Financial is a family and business benefits provider that specializes in association benefit planning, individual member services, critical awareness and financial literacy programs. Read: Hub acquiring Edmonton benefits, retirement consultancy This is the latest of a string of Canadian benefits providers and consulting firms that Hub International […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 12, 2021 April 13, 2021
  • 15:00
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Amazon workers voted against forming a union at a warehouse in Alabama, handing the online retail giant a decisive victory and cutting off a path labour activists had hoped would lead to similar efforts throughout the company and beyond. After months of aggressive campaigning from both sides, 1,798 warehouse workers ultimately rejected the union, while […]

Diabetes care has tended to focus on achieving adequate glucose levels — but the real goal should be maintaining those levels over time, said Alex Abitbol, endocrinologist and assistant medical director of LMC Healthcare, during Benefits Canada’s 2021 Chronic Disease at Work conference in late February. “Much of the guidelines, much of the discussions amongst […]

Alzheimer’s and dementia is a growing area of concern for the workplace, with more than half a million Canadians currently living with dementia and the number expected to almost double to more than 900,000 by 2030, said Sharon Cohen, neurologist and medical director of the Toronto Memory Program, during Benefits Canada’s 2021 Chronic Disease at […]

Employers have taken on a larger role in employees’ cancer care in the past few years, but the coronavirus pandemic changed the game even further, said Tim Clark, president of tc Health Consulting Inc., during Benefits Canada’s 2021 Chronic Disease at Work conference in late February. Cancer is now the sixth most expensive disease by […]

Atopic dermatitis affects all areas of patients’ lives, including their work and productivity, said Lyn Guenther, professor of dermatology at Western University, during Benefits Canada’s 2021 Chronic Disease at Work conference in late February. The chronic skin condition, characterized by dry and itchy skin, is growing in prevalence in Canada. About 3.5 per cent of […]

Benefits plans tend to cover care for common chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and chronic obstructive lung disease. But the one they often don’t support is obesity, said Arya Sharma, scientific director at Obesity Canada and clinical co-chair of Alberta Health Services’ obesity program, during Benefits Canada’s 2021 Chronic Disease at Work conference in […]

Year two of the coronavirus pandemic is already revealing fault lines between how the youngest and oldest generations of U.S. employees are coping with the effects of the shift to remote working on their well-being, found MetLife Inc.’s annual U.S. employee benefit trends survey. Although employees across all generations feel their holistic well-being — which […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 6, 2021 April 26, 2021
  • 09:00

Private drug plan spending increased 5.4 per cent, according to Express Scripts Canada’s annual drug trends report. While up to a one per cent increase in private drug plan spending was anticipated, similar to the 0.6 per cent increase between 2018 to 2019; the report showed a decrease in the percentage of members who claimed, […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 5, 2021 April 5, 2021
  • 08:42

It’s easy for employers to focus less on table-stakes benefits offerings like vision care when there’s the the coronavirus pandemic to contend with. But, experts argue, as Canada and the world enters the second year of this crisis now is the perfect time for employers to take a second look at their vision care benefits […]