Keyword: employee benefits

905 results found
Results from workplace mental-health assessment shows there’s more work to do

Over the past three years, 1,525 employers from across Canada have taken part in MindsMatter, CivicAction’s free online workplace mental-health assessment. “MindsMatter has helped neutralize the excuses for employers to take action,” said Sevaun Palvetzian, chief executive officer of CivicAction. “We’ve created an on-ramp and accelerated more supportive workplace culture and practices across Canada.” But […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 29, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00
Sounding Board: 2019 benefits costs show the sky isn’t falling

At the start of a new decade, it makes sense to look in the rear-view mirror to better understand where the industry is going. For drug plans, a crescendo of forecasts have predicted skyrocketing benefits costs, driven by high-cost drugs. That talk has only increased the cries for a national pharmacare strategy to make drugs more affordable. Looking back […]

Many Canadians planning to switch jobs for better benefits: survey

Canadians on the hunt for a new job want improved benefits and better control over their schedule, according to a new survey by Indeed. The survey, which polled more than 1,000 full-time employees, found 32 per cent said they plan to change jobs within the next one to two years. A quarter said they’ve been actively recruited by another […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 14, 2020 February 23, 2021
  • 15:00
Treatment access, innovation integral to supporting employee mental health

Mental-health symptomology — such as difficulty concentrating, feelings of isolation and lack of motivation — is incredibly impactful in the workplace and makes it difficult for people to function at or return to work. “There’s no question that anxiety and depression are very prevalent in the Canadian workplace and are very relevant to plan sponsors,” […]

The comorbidity link between migraine and mental health

A migraine sufferer herself, Dr. Rose Giammarco, founder and director of Hamilton Headache Clinic, told the audience at Benefits Canada‘s 2019 Mental Health Summit that migraine can be very disabling and cause tremendous burden of disease. “Clinically, these patients come in with severe headaches, throbbing pain that can last hours or days, sometimes weeks at […]

The case for offering mental-health days

Mental health is a growing concern both in and out of the workplace, and employees with these issues often need days to deal with them. Paula Allen, vice-president of research and analytics at Morneau Shepell Ltd., suggests employers provide employees with workplace flexibility because “we’re not robots.” Specifically, she supports and encourages mental-health days, though she believes the real promise and […]

What to expect for health benefits in 2020

Looking ahead to 2020, the big story for health benefits is often avoided because it isn’t easy to address. It’s the elephant in the room. Over the past year, there’s been no shortage of momentum in new and emerging product offerings in the health benefits space — everything from digital cognitive behavioural therapy to virtual […]

  • December 24, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 06:30
Roundtable: Plan sponsor considerations around medical cannabis coverage

When the federal government signed the Cannabis Act into law in 2018, legalizing recreational cannabis, it also committed to providing patients with better access to medical cannabis and to more extensively researching the trends, use patterns, patient impact, potential therapeutic treatments and adverse effects of cannabis and cannabinoids. The legislation also prompted new conversations in […]

Why you should hire a workplace life coach

From rowing to rugby, skiing to athletics, coaching has long been an intrinsic part of sports. In the workplace, however, coaching is a newer development. “Twenty years ago or so, I met with [human resources] managers to introduce having a coach accessible on the worksite to offer individuals a confidential sounding board to air their […]

Q&A with Ceridian’s Michelle Bogart

Ceridian HCM Inc.’s director of employee engagement and culture discusses flexible working, parental leave and family bike rides. Q. What top challenges do you face in your role? A. Our team’s area of focus means the tightening labour market will keep us busy in the coming years. Our greatest challenges are identifying programs . . […]