Keyword: employee benefits

923 results found
Employees’ role in benefits management

With healthcare costs rising, employees are expected to be more accountable for maintaining their own health and monitoring their expenses, says Aon Hewitt. According to the consulting firm, overall U.S. healthcare costs are expected to rise 7% in 2012 to US$10,475 per employee, compared with US$9,792 per employee in 2011. While employers will likely continue […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 13, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 11:18
Online claims and benefits fraud

Some insurance companies now provide online claiming for non-drug benefits (electronic adjudication of drug claims has been around for years). But how has this increase in online claiming affected—positively or negatively—group insurance fraud? What impact has this new claiming channel had upon the “misuse, abuse and overuse of benefits?” Unfortunately, fraudulent activities continue to thrive. […]

What do small businesses want from advisors?

When do Canadian small business owners turn to their benefits or financial advisor? What type of retirement plan is most popular for small businesses across the country? What issues do owners struggle with while trying to grow their businesses? Find out the answer to these questions and how small business owners are managing day-to-day challenges […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 12, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 11:35
Top employers offer unusual perks

A trip to Paris. Pet insurance. Unlimited time off. Canada’s Top 100 Employers have been named for 2012, and they show that offering non-traditional benefits can have a positive impact on recruiting, engaging and retaining employees. The annual ranking, now in its 13th year, attempts to determine which employers are leaders in their industries when […]

  • By: Tammy Burns
  • October 12, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 10:30
Don’t rush employees’ benefits choices

Time and tools are the key factors in an effective benefits education program, according to research from Unum, a benefits services provider for the U.S. and the U.K. The firm’s study of more than 1,700 employed adults points to a “three-plus-three communication strategy,” in which members have at least three weeks to review at least […]

  • By: Tammy Burns
  • October 7, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 11:48
Wellness programs need incentives, automation

If you want to reduce benefits costs and get the best ROI from your employee wellness program, implement participation incentives and automation. That’s the finding from a study by bswift, a U.S. software provider for employee benefits administration. The report, 2011 Wellness and Benefits Administration Benchmarking Study, surveyed 150 companies, and found that of those […]

  • By: Tammy Burns
  • September 29, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 10:22

Watch this video For benefits plan sponsors worried about the increasing costs of their plans, the legislation regarding generic drug price reductions (currently implemented in five provinces) may seem like a saving grace. But not so fast, warns Shawn O’Brien, senior consultant, health and benefits, with Aon Hewitt. He warns that the savings might not […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 27, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 12:56
Benefits costs show low growth for 2012: Mercer

Early responses from a Mercer survey suggest the average growth in U.S. health benefits costs will slow to 5.4% in 2012, the smallest increase since 1997. However, cost growth remains well above both general inflation and growth in workers’ earnings. While this increase reflects cost-cutting changes employers plan to make to their benefits programs, such as […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 22, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 09:49

Lorna Willner, Steam Whistle’s HR manager, talks about the perks that keep employees interested. Explain Steam Whistle’s profit sharing and shareholder plans. Profit sharing is for everybody…even if, for the year, an employee does just 12 shifts, he or she would still be eligible to participate but on a pro-rated basis. Once an employee has […]

  • By: Brooke Smith
  • September 21, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 13:34

Watch this video Too often, benefits plan administration and costs take up a plan sponsor’s focus—leaving communication efforts to suffer, says Sarah Beech, region director, Central Canada, with Aon Hewitt. In this BenefitsCanadaTV interview, Beech discusses ways employers can make their benefits plans more engaging, by bringing plans “to a more personal level as opposed […]

  • By: Tammy Burns
  • September 16, 2011 September 13, 2019
  • 12:18