employee coaching

Keyword: employee coaching

3 results found

UCS Forest Group’s chief human resources and administrative officer discusses the complexities of the post-pandemic workplace, training managers to adapt to the new working environment and ensuring her dogs live their best lives. Q: What top challenges do you face in your role? A: In this post-pandemic world, employees are dealing with a lot of […]

PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada is improving its parental leave policy with specialized coaching and leadership training for employees. As part of its Me + PwC program, the company conducted listening tours with employees, with the feedback including more support for parents, says Sonia Boisvert, a partner and chief people officer at PwC Canada. “Being a parent myself, […]

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Although there are many benefits to remote working arrangements, such as a reduced commute and improved work-life balance, younger employees who work remotely aren’t practising their soft skills and a lack of social interaction may negatively impact their professional lives in the long run, says Janet Candido, founder and principal of human resources consultancy Candido […]