Keyword: employee engagement

752 results found
How PCL Construction balances its DC pension and employee share plan

At PCL Construction, employee ownership is built into the company culture and is a big part of total compensation. However, it’s created some apathy when it comes to the way employees approach their DC plans and prepare for retirement, according to Mike Olsson, the company’s vice-president of human resources and professional development. At the company’s […]

Webinar: Coronavirus and workplace mental health

While physical well-being is vital during the coronavirus pandemic, the situation is raising multiple mental-health issues, including rising stress levels exacerbated by job uncertainty and social isolation. Looking at mental-health policies and tools, innovative practices and work-from-home protocols, Benefits Canada hosted a panel of experts in a webinar on March 31 to answer plan sponsor […]

Global employers preparing for future of work: survey

The majority (61 per cent) of global employees believe their employers are preparing them for the future of work and 55 per cent said they trust their organization to reskill them if their job changes as a result of automation, according to Mercer’s 2020 global talents trends survey. However, the survey, which polled more than […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 27, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 15:30
Flexible return-to-work policies crucial for cancer survivors

By the year 2031, 2.2 million Canadians will be living with cancer, with 40 per cent between the ages of 20 and 65 — the typical working years, according to Maureen Parkinson, provincial rehabilitation counsellor at B.C. Cancer Agency and co-director of Cancer and Work. In a session at Benefits Canada’s 2020 Employers Cancer Care […]

Fidelity Canada touts preventative, life-sustaining benefits plans

When it comes to benefits plan management, each case is individual, said Diana Godfrey, senior vice-president of human resources and corporate at Fidelity Canada, during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2020 Employers Cancer Care Summit on Mar. 3. “If employers think they have a program or policy that covers every situation, they may be mistaken.” […]

Effective wellness programs must take science-based approach to motivating employees

Employers that want to see their wellness programs pay dividends need to develop a strategy that’s rooted in behavioural science. “This idea of ticking a box on wellness is not working anymore,” said Cynthia Hastings-James, co-founder of BestLifeRewarded Innovations, during a webinar hosted by the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute on Thursday. “It really needs […]

IBM Canada Ltd.’s director of HR talks data and analytics, holistic employee health and playing the piano Q. What top challenges do you face in your role? A. I want to help employees understand and fully leverage all of our benefits offerings. IBM provides competitive retirement saving vehicles and financial management tools, but I always […]

How did Canadian employers mark International Women’s Day?

At Hydro Ottawa Ltd.’s third annual International Women’s Day event, employees were invited to solve 15 large puzzles around the room — and think about their own piece in the larger puzzle of working toward gender equality. International Women’s Day events have been a staple at Hydro Ottawa since 2018, with the company trying to connect […]

Employers urged to step up equality, culture efforts: survey

Corporate leaders often talk about equality, empowerment and culture, but that doesn’t mean their employees feel their organizations are actually walking the walk. Indeed, a significant disconnect exists between how leaders and employees view their workplace culture, according to a new survey by Accenture Inc. While 70 per cent of leaders said they feel they create empowering […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 5, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 08:45
IBM Canada investing in local CSR programs

In the war for talent, corporate social responsibility programs are another weapon companies can wield to attract and retain staff, says Jennifer Roynon, corporate social responsibility lead for IBM Canada. For the past decade, the organization’s IBM Service Corps program has enabled its employees to serve as volunteers in other countries in four-week stints. But following a review […]