Keyword: employee engagement

753 results found
Best practices for employee referral programs

According to LinkedIn Corp.’s 2017 global recruiting trends report, 48 per cent of employers feel employee referrals are the best source of quality hires. Despite that enthusiasm, employers allocated just nine per cent of their recruitment budgets to employee referral programs. Some employers are investing in their programs, however. In its case, Toronto-based Score Media […]

Canada bucks trend towards higher employee engagement in 2017

Canada is bucking the global trend towards higher employee engagement. While employee engagement in Canada is still above the global average, it saw a slight decline to 69 per cent of employees in 2017 from 70 per cent the year before, according to a report from Aon Hewitt. Worldwide, engagement returned to an all-time high […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 13, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 10:28
Half of U.S. employees unsatisfied with benefits offering: survey

More than three-quarters (78 per cent) of American employers believe their employees are satisfied with the current benefits offering, but just 52 per cent of employees report being satisfied, according to a survey by business research organization LIMRA. When broken down by generation, the survey, which polled more than 1,000 U.S. employers and 2,500 employees, found generation X employees are […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 6, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 16:00

As the workplace undergoes rapid transformation amid automation and technological advancements, plan sponsors will need to re-imagine the crossroads between new technology and employee benefits. The issues will be a key focus of panel discussion at Benefits Canada’s 2018 Benefits and Pension Summit on April 16, 2018, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Toronto. “I think what we’re trying to […]

Nestle, Pfizer, TD Bank among top employee-recommended workplaces

Nestle Canada Inc., Pfizer Canada Inc. and TD Bank Group are among 53 workplaces recommended by their employees, according to Morneau Shepell Ltd. and the Globe and Mail’s second annual employee-recommended workplace awards. To determine the list, employees provide feedback through a survey of confidential questions about their physical and mental health, as well as their work […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 15, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 10:17
How H&M trains all employees from behind the cash register

At H&M, before office employees get to their desks, they need to learn about the company from behind the cash register. In fact, some new employees actually train to be able to work in five distinct positions within the retail stores. “We really wanted to ensure all employees that we hire, especially for our support office, […]

Why non-verbal communication matters in workplace interactions

Any job applicant knows that in an interview, it’s important to sit up straight, lean in and make eye contact. But body language isn’t crucial only for potential employees — it also counts for current staff members. Body language is very important in the workplace, according to Kristin Coulombe, director of human resources at Jones […]

Canadian workers less loyal to employer than global counterparts: survey

Canadian workers are less loyal to their employer than their counterparts around the world, according to a new survey by the ADP Research Institute. The survey, which polled employees and employers in 13 countries, including Canada, the United States, Britain, France, China and India, found 57 per cent of Canadian employees feel loyal to their employer, […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 1, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 17:00
How does Hawaii’s caregiver program compare to Canada’s EI benefit?

As Hawaii introduces new legislation to provide working caregivers with a daily stipend of US$70 to offset the costs of elder care, how does it measure up against Canada’s new employment insurance caregiver benefit? The Kapuna Caregivers Assistance Act, which took effect in December, will provide the stipend to Hawaiian employees working more than 30 hours a […]

Have your say: Which holiday activities do employees appreciate the most?

At Benefits Canada headquarters, the holiday spirit has been high for a few weeks, beginning with a holiday lunch at the end of November, enthusiastic employees decking out their desks in a bid to win a decorating contest and a holiday baking exchange featuring a treat-laden table in the office. While there are a variety of ways employers […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 19, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:30