Keyword: employee engagement

753 results found
Tending the roots of employee wellness: A look at workplace gardens

For many people, gardening is a hobby reserved for winding down after a busy workday or week. It can be a good way to exercise, connect with the environment, relieve stress and eventually enjoy the fruits of their labour. But in a bid to foster health and wellness, get employees moving and increase productivity, Winnipeg-based […]

Pension plans need new metrics to adapt to millennials’ ascent, changing work reality

Canada’s public sector pension organizations are global leaders. Over the past 30 years, they’ve distinguished themselves in the delivery of secure and sustainable defined benefit pensions but they’re facing new challenges. At issue is whether they can meet those challenges and repeat past successes for the next generation of Canadians. A new report commissioned by […]

  • December 18, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 16:02
All your employees really want for Christmas is . . .

While some employees consider the holidays the most wonderful time of the year, others find it fraught with tricky questions, such as whether or not to give gifts to colleagues or how to survive the office Christmas party. A recent survey by staffing and recruitment firm Ranstad polled more than 1,200 American employees to learn […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 15, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:45
Sing while you work: The well-being benefits of a workplace choir

With the holidays approaching, music is everywhere. And if hitting the high notes in the privacy of your shower each morning raises your spirits for the day ahead, it stands to reason that singing in a workplace choir over your lunch hour can create the same sense of well-being. The concept may have grown out of […]

Accompass employees laugh all the way to the wellness account

It’s said that laughter is the best medicine. At consultancy Accompass Inc., a good belly laugh, among other activities, is earning employees extra points they can translate into dollars for their wellness accounts. “We do focus on wellness with our clients, and we really wanted to ramp up what we do in-house,” says Judy Buckley, vice-president of […]

Younger employees prioritize ‘purpose’ of work before pay, benefits: report

Younger generations value interesting work, continuous learning and work-life balance over pay and benefits, according to a new report by consultancy and marketing agency Lovell Corp. The report, part of a research study conducted in partnership with the University of Guelph, aims to provide insights into the career aspirations, work values and career priorities of millennials […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 21, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 16:55

Looking to rent a two-bedroom apartment in Vancouver? That’ll set you back more than $3,000 a month, according to recent reports. If it’s time to buy, recent figures put the price of the average detached house in the Vancouver area at a cool $1.6 million. Understandably, many people can’t make those prices work, which can […]

Is there a place for humour at work?

Laugh and the world laughs with you, right? OK, maybe not the world, but what about the workplace? Research has shown humour helps relieve the negative effects of stress, such as tension and anxiety, that can and do surface in the workplace. Other studies show humour can help spur creativity. But work is serious business, […]

Why startups should resist the allure of a Cadillac benefits plan

More than two years ago, an Oakville, Ont.-based startup — a small technology company with nine employees — was looking to implement a benefits plan. Eager to attract and retain the best talent, its founder decided to go all out with a generous plan that saw the employer paying the full cost for 100 per […]

Leading employers offer up solutions to workplace wellness, communications challenges

While mental health is often a sensitive area, the Co-operators Group Ltd. aimed to bring the issue into the open by introducing an online Yammer group as a safe place for employees to talk, share information and support one another. “It’s a way for us to have those organic conversations crop up from our staff,” said Stacey Kennedy, […]