Canadian institutional investors want their portfolio companies to reduce their reliance on single-use plastics, according to a new opinion survey by the Responsible Investment Association. The majority (81 per cent) of respondents said they believe it’s important for their portfolio companies to reduce plastic waste, while 75 per cent said they’d like to invest in […]
The guiding document outlining best practices for fiduciaries practicing corporate engagement is in for a major update. As of January 2020, the U.K. Stewardship Code will include new expectations on how those investing on behalf of savers and pensioners integrate the activities of investment and stewardship, including on environmental, social and governance issues. The code, as […]
Even star employees shine a little less brightly after battling an hour of traffic on the way to work. Long commutes “can be very demoralizing” and can affect productivity, says Sandra Reder, president and founder of Vertical Bridge Corporate Consulting Inc. in Vancouver. Plus, a bad commute is one of the most common reasons employees […]
The Canadian Institute of Actuaries is asking financial stakeholders to take climate risks more heavily into account. In a letter addressing Canada’s governments, corporations and investors, the institute said quantifying and disclosing the financial impacts of climate change are key actions that will help mitigate the rise in global temperatures and will help Canadians adapt […]
While many institutional investors understand that climate change poses risks to their portfolios, it can be difficult to nail down how to combat it. For a Canadian portfolio manager, looking over a selection of stocks from mining to utilities to forestry, it can be a daunting task to discern which material risks exist, said Blair […]
About four in 10 (41 per cent) hedge fund managers are considering environmental, social and governance factors in their allocation decisions, according to a new survey by BarclayHedge Ltd. Among this group, 52 per cent of assets are currently allocated based on ESG ratings. Last year, that number was 42 per cent and it’s projected to jump […]
The Responsible Investment Association is creating a hub for investors looking for advice on responsible investing and related investment options and services. The RI Marketplace, which functions as an online directory of what’s available to Canada’s institutional and retail investors, highlights more than 150 responsible investment vehicles, including mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, pooled products, separately managed […]
A group of institutional investors representing US$2 trillion in assets under management is calling on the cement industry to do better on their carbon emissions. The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change and investors in Climate Action 100+ called on Europe’s major construction material firms to commit to taking steps to achieve net zero emissions no later […]
While carbon concerns have been dominating conversations among institutional investors looking to mitigate environmental risk, the issue of water usage should be higher on their list, according to a paper by Russell Investments Group. “Overall, we have concluded that the current water-related investment tools available are insufficient and inhibit investors from converting insights into meaningful […]
Environmental, social and governance issues are becoming a bigger part of executive compensation, according to a new report by Mercer. In a survey of 135 North American organizations, 30 per cent said they’re currently using ESG metrics in their incentive plans, while 21 per cent are considering doing so. It also found organizations are more […]