equity strategies – Benefits Canada.com https://www.benefitscanada.com Canada's most influential pension and benefits publication for decision-makers Tue, 16 Jul 2024 13:54:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 Is tech the only equity sector with alpha left? https://www.benefitscanada.com/canadian-investment-review/public-equities/is-the-tech-the-only-equities-sector-with-alpha-left/ https://www.benefitscanada.com/canadian-investment-review/public-equities/is-the-tech-the-only-equities-sector-with-alpha-left/#respond Thu, 06 Feb 2020 13:22:17 +0000 https://cumulus.benefitscanada.com/uncategorized/is-the-tech-the-only-equities-sector-with-alpha-left/ If institutional investors want alpha, there’s one sector in particular where they can find it, said Jeremy Yeung, vice-president of portfolio management and portfolio manager at Signature Global Asset Management. “Technology is an inefficient market, that’s where all the alpha is,” he noted, speaking at an event hosted by the CFA Society Toronto on Wednesday. […]

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