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Canada is facing an academic research deficit on responsible investment. However, there are new opportunities on the horizon, including a major international conference and the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation’s Responsible Investment Initiative. The project has already released its first paper, Responsible Property Investing and Property Management: Exploring the Impacts of Good Labour Practices on […]

  • By: Doug Watt
  • June 16, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

A new survey suggests that most Canadians strongly support the concept of sustainability, even though they don’t always know what it means. The Hoggan & Associates 2009 study on Canadians’ attitudes toward sustainability was released June 15 at the Canadian Responsible Investment Conference in Winnipeg. Hoggan & Associates vice-president Nancy McHarg, who presented the study’s […]

  • By: Doug Watt
  • June 16, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

In 2007, it seemed socially responsible investing (SRI) had finally reached its “tipping point” in Canada: institutional investors were on board following the UN’s Principles of Responsible Investment, and on the retail side, the big banks were launching their first-ever SRI funds. But, thanks to the credit crisis, the euphoria was short-lived, and today, SRI […]

  • By: Doug Watt
  • June 16, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

A new report concludes that while socially responsible investors are ahead of the mainstream on many issues, such as transparency, corporate governance and predatory lending, they did not foresee the global credit crisis any better than the mainstream financial community. The report, The Financial Crisis: An Environmental, Social and Governance Perspective, was commissioned by the […]

  • By: Doug Watt
  • June 16, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00

Alberta’s oil sands are a controversial topic for Canada’s socially responsible investing (SRI) community. The 140,000-square-kilometre region has become a front-line issue for investors concerned about climate change. Yet, Canadian SRI retail and institutional investors can’t afford to ignore energy companies working in the sector, since energy makes up approximately 30% of the TSX. “It’s […]

  • By: Doug Watt
  • June 16, 2009 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00