Keyword: EU

13 results found

In a bid to improve working conditions for people who deliver food and offer rides through smartphone apps, the European Union gave provisional approval Wednesday to rules that determine who should get the benefits of full-time employees and restrict the way online platforms use algorithms to manage their workers. The European Parliament and the EU’s […]

Spain’s left-wing government won the backing of unions to reform the nation’s public pension system on Wednesday, in stark contrast with neighbouring France, where plans to raise the retirement age have led to waves of strikes and mass protests. The leaders of Spain’s two main labour unions, UGT and CC.OO., appeared alongside Minister of Social Security […]

As the University Pension Plan increases its focus on climate change, its responsible investment policy considers environmental, social and governance factors as essential to sound long-term investing. “We’ve seen a lot of evidence from a variety of service providers — from investment banks to investment managers — that have demonstrated [the climate] is getting warmer […]

  • By: Blake Wolfe
  • December 16, 2022 February 10, 2023
  • 08:57

Index-provider FTSE Russell is launching the first government bond index of countries in the economic and monetary union of the European Union that adjusts country weights based on climate risk. The index provides a forward-looking assessment of these countries’ climate risks, such as the expected economic impact of transitioning to Paris Accord target greenhouse gas […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 28, 2020 December 13, 2020
  • 08:33
Eurozone forecast for long period of weak economic growth

The European Union’s executive branch has cut its growth forecasts for the 19-country eurozone for this year and next and warned that conditions could worsen in the face of an array of uncertainties. The European Commission said Thursday that the single currency bloc is expected to grow 1.1 per cent this year, down 0.1 percentage […]

Britain and the European Union finally reached a new tentative Brexit deal on Thursday, hoping to escape the acrimony, divisions and frustration of their three-year divorce battle. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson now faces the Herculean task of selling the accord to his recalcitrant parliament — including his allies in Northern Ireland. Only hours before […]

Brexit Fears Hit Canadian Plans

Median solvency ratio drops on UK vote: Mercer

  • By: Staff
  • June 30, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 08:03
Should You Worry About a Brexit?

If Britain leaves the EU, there could be a lot of collateral damage.

A spoonful of sugar

How the EU could help the medicine go down in Greece.

  • July 15, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 18:10
Governments Kick Start EU Venture Capital

It’s interesting to see governments moving into this space, as VC is an extremely risky asset class.

  • October 18, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 14:15