Keyword: financial literacy

72 results found

The OPSEU Pension Trust is supporting employees’ and plan members’ financial literacy with its defined benefit pension education program and extensive member communications. “We run a program called People for Pensions, an education program focused on articulating the value of defined benefit pensions and not just the benefit they provide to people who have them, […]

  • By: Sadie Janes
  • November 17, 2022 November 15, 2022
  • 09:00

More than two-thirds (68 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’re more likely to stay longer at their current job if their employer offers financial wellness benefits, according to a new survey by software platform TalentLMS. The survey, which polled 1,000 employees, found 73 per cent said their employer offers financial wellness benefits. The top […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 16, 2022 November 17, 2022
  • 15:00

Every day, it seems the news includes a story or two about the economy and whether or not a recession is coming. At the same time, with interest rates, inflation and day-to-day costs rising, employees may already be feeling anxious about their ability to meet their financial obligations. Some employees will be feeling concerned about […]

  • By: Kim Siddall
  • November 16, 2022 November 15, 2022
  • 09:00

Western University is marking Financial Literacy Month with a series of webinars and consultations addressing employees’ financial questions. The webinars cover topics such as retirement, estate planning, investments and the connection between health and wealth. While the university has covered the health-wealth connection in previous years, the topic is of perennial interest to employees and is […]

Equitable Bank’s comprehensive financial literacy seminars led to a win in the Financial wellness category at Benefits Canada’s 2022 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 18. During the coronavirus pandemic, the bank had to pivot quickly to continue providing quality financial wellness education to employees, says Jasmine Kong, the organization’s human resources generalist. Equitable Bank partnered with some of […]

Our industry sometimes gets a bad rap for being overly traditional and slow to change. But there’s no question we’ve seen some major shifts in employee benefits over the past 45 years. Three of those shifts will have implications for employers going forward. Greater onus on the individual to save for retirement Over the years, […]

Canada’s gender pension gap is growing as Canadian women received an average of 18 per cent less retirement income than men in 2020, according to a report by Ontario’s pay equity office. It found the gap is more pronounced among women in visible minority groups (37 per cent), among sources of private retirement income (28 per […]


The modern economy is highly uncertain, with inflation and rising interest rates cutting into bottom lines everywhere. Employers are nervous as the cost of capital and the cost of their inputs seems to rise every day. But employees are nervous, too. And since no one knows when inflation will end, it’s difficult for anyone to […]

While U.S. employees say it takes $1.1 million in savings, on average, to retire comfortably, 56 per cent expect to have less than $500,000 saved, according to a new survey by Schroders. It found 36 per cent of respondents expect to save less than $250,000 and only 24 per cent expect to save $1 million […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 27, 2022 May 27, 2022
  • 09:00

Three-quarters (73 per cent) of U.S. employees said their employer needs to offer more resources to help them manage their personal finances, according to a new survey by personal finance platform Ramsey Solutions. The survey, which polled more than 3,000 full-time workers, found only 23 per cent had access to employer-provided financial wellness benefits. Among […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 17, 2022 March 16, 2022
  • 09:00