More than a third (35 per cent) of employees said they’re considering leaving their job or are unsure about whether to stay with their company, according to the latest monthly mental-health index by LifeWorks Inc. Additionally, the mental-health scores of these groups (negative 21.9 and negative 16.7, respectively) were more than three-times worse than for […]
Nearly half (44 per cent) of employers that offer retirement benefits said employee productivity has been better than normal over the past year, compared to 29 per cent of employers that don’t offer retirement benefits, according to a survey by Maru Group Ltd. on behalf of the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan. The survey, which […]
Canadians reported slightly higher levels of financial well-being in the summer of 2021, with many focusing on saving for retirement, according to a new survey by LifeWorks Inc. The survey, conducted among 3,000 respondents, found a financial well-being index score of negative 1.6 compared to the pre-coronavirus pandemic benchmark, up slightly from negative 2.8 in […]
Nearly a quarter (23 per cent) of working Canadians say the coronavirus pandemic has delayed their — or their spouse’s — timeline to retirement, according to a new survey by Ipsos on behalf the Canadian Institute of Actuaries. The survey, which polled more than 1,500 Canadians aged 18 and up, found the top reason for the […]
About a third (36 per cent) of working Canadians and 21 per cent of retirees aren’t confident how much money their retirement income sources will provide them in the future, according to a new survey by Mackenzie Investments. Fortunately, a majority (79 per cent) of retirees said they’re very or somewhat confident their retirement income sources will […]
Canada drops to No. 10 among developed nations for retiree well-being after spending two years in a row at No. 8, according to Natixis Investment Managers’ annual global retirement index. The index, which provides an overview of the relative well-being and financial security of retirees in 44 countries, examined several factors, including whether a country […]
Nearly two in five (38 per cent) Canadians polled said money is their No. 1 source of stress in life, even more than personal health (26 per cent), work (20 per cent) or relationships (15 per cent), according to a new survey by FP Canada. According to the survey, which polled more than 1,500 Canadians, […]
The coronavirus pandemic is financially impacting generation Z, millennials, generation X and baby boomers differently. Canadians from the millennial (22 per cent) and gen-X (25 per cent) cohorts were slightly more than two-times more likely than baby boomers (10 per cent) to have said the pandemic significantly set them back financially, according to a new […]
The prolonged coronavirus pandemic’s effect on working Canadians’ financial well-being persists, with the stress taking a toll on their savings and their productivity in the workplace, according to a new survey by LifeWorks Inc. Although Canadian workers’ financial well-being score for April is negative 2.2, a slight improvement from February’s negative 2.8, the survey found […]
Year two of the coronavirus pandemic is already revealing fault lines between how the youngest and oldest generations of U.S. employees are coping with the effects of the shift to remote working on their well-being, found MetLife Inc.’s annual U.S. employee benefit trends survey. Although employees across all generations feel their holistic well-being — which […]