Keyword: financial well-being

313 results found
Canadian executives predict one in five roles will cease to exist in near future

More than half of Canadian business executives expect a substantial portion of the jobs at their companies won’t exist in five years, according to a new survey by Mercer. Among the findings of Mercer’s survey of the top workforce trends is a prediction by 54 per cent of Canadian executives that at least one in […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 25, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 09:40
Pension benefits major factor in accepting a job: survey

More than three-quarters (78 per cent) of North American employees and retirees with pension plans said the availability of those benefits was a major factor in deciding whether to accept a job, according to a new survey by Accenture. Its survey, which polled nearly 3,000 Canadian and U.S. workers, also found that pensions remained a loyalty factor after […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 19, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 11:24
QSuper’s journey through the ups and downs of integrating technology

Despite several twists and turns, Australian superannuation fund QSuper isn’t shying away from implementing new technology. Speaking at Benefits Canada‘s Benefits & Pension Summit in Toronto on Tuesday, Kim Hughes, head of product and services at QSuper, told attendees about the new tools and products her fund has provided for members and how they’ve taught the organization a great deal […]

Prevention key to addressing the psychological impacts of financial stress

While financial literacy programs have become more prevalent in recent years, what can they do to ensure they have the maximum impact? “Financial literacy, while important, is not the key to unlocking financial well-being,” said Lisa Callaghan, vice-president for strategy, marketing and communications at Manulife Financial Corp., during a panel discussion at the Benefits & Pension […]

KFC rolls out personal finance program for eligible U.S. staff

The KFC Foundation is introducing a personal finance program for employees at the restaurant chain’s participating franchises in the United States. The non-profit organization funded by KFC franchisees is rolling out the financial wellness app to empower employees to take charge of their money. “The KFC Foundation programs provide resources to KFC’s frontline workers, based […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 13, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 09:05
DC Plan Summit: Why financial education isn’t enough to change employee behaviour

Moderators: Erica Hall, assistant vice-president for client relations, group retirement solutions; and Sharon Seifried, national vice-president for corporate accounts, group retirement solutions, at Manulife Financial Corp. While a significant portion of Canadians are in poor financial health, most don’t like to talk about money, particularly those with challenges in the area. As a result, addressing […]

Four steps to building a successful financial wellness program

With studies showing high levels of employee stress about their finances that’s translating into lost productivity, absenteeism or health issues, the time is right for financial wellness programs in the workplace. There’s an opportunity for employers to step in and offer much-needed guidance, but they could (and should) be helping workers with far more than the basic advice about […]

  • April 2, 2018 September 13, 2019
  • 14:17

With studies suggesting some gaps in financial literacy among millennials, a panel at the 2018 Benefits and Pension Summit will tackle ways of educating and reaching younger plan members. Shannon Lee Simmons, founder of the New School of Finance and a member of the panel at the April 17 event at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Toronto, says a lot of […]

In order to understand how much to save, the starting point should be determining a retirement budget. Not only will such an exercise help employees better plan for the future, it may well give them a greater understanding of and appreciation for their employer-sponsored savings program and improve their financial wellness. More accurate retirement planning Even […]

Majority of women face challenges around finance, investments

The majority (86 per cent) of Canadian women have at least one challenge when it comes to finances and investment, according to a new survey by the Financial Planning Standards Council. Published to coincide with International Women’s Day, the survey found 38 per cent of respondents admit they know very little about finance and investment. And […]