Keyword: fixed income

729 results found
Options for small plans to invest like the big pension funds

For some investors, tradition isn’t cutting it anymore. Rock-bottom interest rates are squeezing fixed-income returns, and the need to diversify through sturdy, lower-risk assets is apparent. While low volatility in equity markets is comforting, how long will it last? “We don’t know when but we’re pretty sure the equity market will correct, maybe severely,” says […]

Why bond yields are likely to stay low

Bond yields are likely to remain low in light of the Bank of Canada’s wait-and-see-approach in its October interest rate decision, says CIBC Asset Management Inc.’s Patrick O’Toole. After two consecutive rate hikes, the Bank of Canada maintained the overnight rate at one per cent on Oct. 25, citing uncertainty around North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiations […]

CPP fund delivers ‘modest return’ of 2.5% in second quarter

The Canada Pension Plan fund returned 2.5 per cent after all costs during the second quarter of fiscal 2018. It ended the second quarter with net assets of $328.2 billion, up from $326.5 billion at the end of the first quarter. The $1.7 billion net increase in assets for the quarter consisted of $2.3 billion in net income […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 10, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 10:22
OPTrust to divest from tobacco industry in 2018

The OPSEU Pension Trust is divesting from all equity and fixed-income investments in public companies that derive a majority of their revenue from the production or manufacture of tobacco products beginning in 2018. “At OPTrust, we prefer to use corporate engagement — the promotion of better business practices — in our investment and ownership practices,” said Hugh O’Reilly, […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 9, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:24
Oil price rebound helps DB plans achieve sixth straight quarter of growth

Buoyed by rebounding Canadian equity returns, Canadian defined benefit pension plans posted returns of 0.4 per cent in the third quarter of 2017, marking the sixth straight quarter of growth, according to RBC Investor & Treasury Services. Canadian equities returned 3.8 per cent in the quarter, compared with minus 1.9 per cent in the second quarter […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 9, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 08:15
Private debt touted as de-risking alternative to annuities

As pension plans move into better solvency positions this year, should they be lowering their risks by purchasing an annuity or looking at investment strategies to manage them in-house? From a private debt perspective, it’s possible for a plan to structure investments to mirror the de-risking benefits of buying an annuity from an insurance company, […]

Commercial mortgages an increasingly attractive investment option

While fads usually refer to fashion, food, music and even hairstyles, we don’t often talk about them in the context of investments. Right now, however, mortgage investments are one of the hottest asset classes. One of the first mutual funds in Canada, launched in 1974, was a fund that invested in insured housing mortgages. At the time, […]

  • September 11, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 14:02
Political instability, muted equity market affect Canadian pension solvency in August

The median solvency ratio of Canadian defined benefit pension plans declined to 96.5 per cent in August, amid rising global political instability and subdued equity market returns, according to Aon Hewitt. Its monthly survey, which tracks the performance of the defined benefit plans it administers and calculates their solvency ratios by measuring assets over liabilities, […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 7, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 16:00
New N.B. public pension investment manager returns 6.2% in 2016

Vestcor Investment Management Corp. has posted a 6.16 per cent overall investment return for the year ending Dec. 31, 2016. Formerly known as the New Brunswick Investment Management Corp., it achieved a gross rate of return of 6.53 per cent and a real return of 5.03 per cent, according to its inaugural annual report. The […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 23, 2017 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
Fixed Income and Rising Rates

What are the top challenges plan sponsors face?