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Global powerhouses China and India will continue to heavily bet in oil and gas opportunities due to projected demand, despite the global push for green energy, said John Sitilides, senior fellow for national security at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, during the keynote session at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Global Investment Conference in April. […]


The 2023 federal budget, which was announced on Tuesday, includes several initiatives related to defined benefit pension plans and the broader institutional investment sector. The government said it would entrust the administration of a new federal investment fund to the Public Sector Pension Investment Board. “By partnering with PSP Investments, the Canada Growth Fund will […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 30, 2023 March 30, 2023
  • 12:00

While the return of two Canadians imprisoned in China since 2018 may lead the Canadian government to rethink its relationship with the world’s most populous country, the Chinese market will remain open to Canadian institutional investors, says Jia Wang, interim director of the China Institute at the University of Alberta. “There is an opportunity for […]

Biden and China: Building back better?

Putting U.S.–China relations back on a constructive path will be one of the top foreign policy challenges facing the Biden administration in 2021. I expect an almost immediate, modest improvement in the relationship, because I expect Biden to abandon the current administration’s approach of treating the Chinese government as an enemy. Converting that into a […]