The TD Bank Group is expanding its talent pool through partnerships that tap into the Black Professionals in Tech Network and FDM Group Inc.’s returnship program for technology workers. When the bank was looking to hire more engineers in 2022, it tapped the BPTN to create a recruitment and training program specifically tailored to its […]
An article on a 2023 budget proposal to require employers to report dental coverage as part of the national dental-care program was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Enhanced national dental plan to require reporting of employer-provided coverage: budget 2. CAAT raising DBplus […]
A four-day workweek promotes gender equity in the workplace and enables male employees to help their partners with household duties, says Grace Tallon, director of operations at the Work Time Reduction Center of Excellence. The responsibility for childcare or elder care has traditionally fallen on women, she adds, so shorter workweeks can level the playing […]
U.S. employers are increasingly posting salary ranges for job openings, even in states where it’s not required by law, according to analysts with several major job search websites. Following new legislation in California, Colorado, New York City, Washington and elsewhere, employers across the country are becoming more transparent about pay in order to stay competitive […]
More than half (51 per cent) of U.S. workers say there’s a gender pay gap in their workplaces, up 121 per cent since 2019, according to a new survey by software company Beqom. The survey, which polled 1,000 U.S. employees and 1,000 U.K. employees, found roughly a third of U.S. (35 per cent) and U.K. (31 […]
An article on how the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association is collaborating with insurers on suspected benefits fraud investigations was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. CLHIA working with insurers on suspected benefits fraud investigations 2. AIMCo closing gender equity gap through […]
Women have powered a recent shift toward higher-paying and higher-skilled jobs, but a pay gap will persist until they cease being outnumbered by men in senior management positions, according to a new report by the Royal Bank of Canada. Canada’s labour market saw nearly 200,000 women stream into jobs involving less in-person contact and often […]
The Alberta Investment Management Corp. is adjusting its parental leave and flexible working policies to make them more equitable for women employees. Earlier this year, the AIMCo changed its corporate incentive plan, to no longer prorate performance pay during the supplemental employment benefits period for parental and maternity leave. Prior to the change, employees who took […]
PepsiCo Beverages North America is expanding its U.S. returnship program for women who have taken time off work for caregiving. The program offers 16-week internships for 15 positions — up from 12 last year — and is available to women professionals with a minimum of five years of work experience who have taken at least […]
Last October, Ontario’s pay equity office reported Canadian women received an average of 18 per cent less retirement income than men in 2020, which is three per cent higher than the gap observed in 1976, the earliest year for which data is available. How has progress moved backwards in the past 44 years, even though women are […]