Two-fifths (41 per cent) of Canadian employees say they’re either already looking or plan to look for a new job before the end of the year, according to a new survey by Robert Half Canada Inc. The survey, which polled more than 1,100 workers, found generation Z employees (64 per cent) were most likely to […]
Though still a fairly new concept, pet benefits are becoming a more common consideration when employers are expanding their offerings and looking to stand out. In August 2022, Talk Shop Media introduced a ‘pawrental’ leave policy, which allows employees to take time off around the adoption of a new pet to focus on ownership duties, […]
Nearly two-thirds (61 per cent) of employers recognize they’ll need to offer a wider variety of benefits options to meet the expectations of the different generations in their workforces, according to a new report by LIMRA and EY. In particular, the survey, which polled more than 800 U.S. employers and more than 1,800 employees, found demand […]
Just over half (56 per cent) of Americans feel on track for retirement, an 11 per cent drop in confidence compared to 2022, according to a new survey by BlackRock Inc. The survey, which polled more than 450 large defined contribution pension plan sponsors, 1,200 workplace retirement plan savers, 1,300 independent savers and 300 retired […]
Canadian employees across all generations value the flexibility and autonomy that remote working provides in their careers, according to a report by Robert Half Canada Inc. The report, which compiled data from three separate surveys with a total of more than 2,000 respondents, found a quarter (25 per cent) said they’d take a pay cut […]
Two-fifths (41 per cent) of U.S. employees say future generations of retirees will be worse off than those currently in retirement, according to a new survey by the Harris Poll on behalf of the Transamerica Institute and the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. The survey, which polled more than 5,700 U.S. employees, found this sentiment […]
Employees are finding their compensation, benefits and options for career advancement are less satisfying, according to a new survey by ADP Canada. The survey, which polled 1,200 Canadian workers, found that, on a scale of one to 10, the average national work happiness score was 6.6, down slightly from 6.7 in May. More than two-fifths […]
While U.S. workers believe they’ll need roughly $1.27 million in savings to retire comfortably, employees have, on average, just $89,300 in retirement savings, according to a new survey by Northwestern Mutual. The survey, which polled more than 2,700 employees, found 52 per cent said they expect to be financially prepared for retirement when the time […]
The gender pay gap is narrowing in Canada, with women earning roughly 21 per cent less than men in 2022, compared to 24 per cent less in 2021, according to a new survey by ADP Canada. The survey, which polled more than 1,500 workers, found the average salary for men was $72,743, compared to $57,725 […]
Two-thirds (65 per cent) of younger U.S. workers say paid time off is the No. 1 employer benefit that influences their job search, followed by a flexible work schedule (58 per cent), according to a new survey by the Bank of America and Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. The survey, which polled more than […]