Keyword: gig economy

42 results found

The United Food and Commercial Workers Canada Local 1518 is waiting for a decision from the Labour Relations Board of British Columbia on its application to classify drivers using the Uber Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc. apps as employees. Currently, drivers in other Canadian jurisdictions are classified as independent contractors, which means they aren’t covered by the province’s Employment […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 2, 2019 December 3, 2020
  • 10:15

It’s an election year and, of course, I have a lot of opinions. But I’ll try to keep my political leanings as neutral as possible and simply lay out the facts. This issue will hit desks days before the federal election. However, as I write these words in mid-September, the main parties are just rolling […]

Toronto Foodora couriers to vote on union certification

The union hoping to represent Foodora Inc.’s Toronto couriers has filed an unfair labour practice complaint with the Ontario Labour Relations Board, alleging the company is attempting to scare couriers into voting against unionization. Couriers are set to vote on whether to join the Canadian Union of Postal Workers on Friday. In a press release, the […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 9, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00
Employers expecting to use more freelancers, rely less on full-time staff: survey

Employers are expecting to use an increasing number of contingent workers and correspondingly decrease their reliance on full-time employees, according to new research by Willis Towers Watson. The research surveyed more than 1,000 organizations in 40 countries on the changing world of work and adoption of digital and automation technologies in the workplace. It found contingent workers, […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 22, 2019 November 12, 2020
  • 15:00
Uber Toronto drivers unionizing for minimum wage, sick and vacation days

Toronto Uber drivers are joining the United Food and Commercial Workers Canada union to bargain for sick days and vacation days, as well as a guaranteed minimum wage. During a media conference in Toronto on Wednesday, Pablo Godoy, the national co-ordinator for gig and platform-employer initiatives at UFCW Canada, said many drivers spoke of a “resounding […]

Foodora couriers are leading an effort to join the Canadian Union of Postal Workers to negotiate with their employer for fairer pay and basic benefits. The Justice for Foodora Couriers group says the company’s classification of its couriers as independent contractors allows it to avoid paying for basic employee benefits, such as the Canada Pension Plan and employment insurance, […]

79% of global executives expect freelancers to replace full-time staff: survey

More than three-quarters (79 per cent) of executives said they expect contingent and freelance workers to substantially replace full-time employees in the coming years, according to Mercer’s latest survey on global talent trends. While predictions vary by industry, the survey found the financial services industry is expected to have a workforce that’s 80 per cent freelance in […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 20, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
Canada’s growing gig workforce highlights need for portable benefits plan: report

Canada should be considering the feasibility of a portable benefits plan for employees across the country, according to the Public Policy Forum. A portable benefits plan would fill the needs of transient employees engaged in part-time or temporary work who have limited or no access to benefits and pensions, noted the report. It would also provide […]

  • By: Jann Lee
  • January 21, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 08:15
81% of gig workers uncertain, worried about retirement: survey

The gig economy has changed many Canadians’ ability to manage their finances and plan for retirement, according to a new survey by TD Canada Trust. The survey found only 11 per cent of non-traditional employees feel secure about their retirement. One in five (20 per cent) survey respondents who describe themselves as gig workers, job jumpers or postponed […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 16, 2019 September 13, 2019
  • 09:00
2018 CAP Suppliers Report: How to help contract workers save for retirement

As the traditional workforce evolves and the era of the 25-year career with a single company comes to an end, the contract employee is likely here to stay. While it’s a worldwide phenomenon, gig workers now comprise a good portion of Canada’s working population. Some 2.2 million Canadians were categorized as temporary employees in September […]