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ACPM calling for CAP automatic enrolment, escalation features

The Association of Canadian Pension Management is calling on the Ontario government to consider amending the Employment Standards Act and the Pension Benefits Act to allow for auto-enrolment and auto-escalation features in capital accumulation plans. Specifically, it’s suggesting the government allow employers to automatically deduct employee contributions from payroll to facilitate these features. “The shift […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 20, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 10:00
Blessing in disguise? DC pension plan sponsors not changing much in response to coronavirus

While it’s likely a small mercy that defined contribution plan members, by and large, didn’t have knee-jerk reactions to recent market turbulence, plan sponsors have been rather quiet as well. Much of this is related to the reality that the people who typically deal with small to mid-size DC plans at their organization are busy with other […]


Morningstar Inc. is taking aim at the disparate ESG disclosure requirements still hampering the investment industry. In a recent report, Morningstar explored some of the issues hindering ESG measurement tools. “Simply put, ESG disclosures from issuers are all too often inconsistent and non-comparable and material information is not always available.” One key problem, it noted, […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 17, 2020 December 6, 2020
  • 08:15
Accounting standards for public multi-employer pension plans require updating: report

When Canadian taxpayers are on the hook for public sector pension plan obligations, these institutions must spell that out clearly in their financial reporting, according to a new paper by the C.D. Howe Institute. “Reporting of pension costs as they accrue and net obligations at a point in time is tricky,” wrote William Robson, the organization’s chief […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 16, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 09:20
BCI publishes ESG strategy

The British Columbia Investment Management Corp. has released its environmental, social and governance strategy, which outlines its beliefs, principles, governance and how its investment strategies consider ESG factors. The strategy includes four components: integrate, influence, invest and insight. In particular, the BCI is focused on integrating ESG analysis and risk management into investment processes, influencing […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 14, 2020 November 11, 2020
  • 15:15

The Alberta Investment Management Corp.’s board of directors has completed its review of a volatility trading strategy, known as VOLTS, that resulted in $2.1 billion in losses in the wake of the coronavirus crash. While the strategy would have been expected to generate some losses in periods of market volatility, the losses were far greater […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 14, 2020 December 6, 2020
  • 09:23

The Alberta Investment Management Corp. has completed its review of a volatility trading strategy, known as VOLTS, that resulted in $2.1 billion in losses in the wake of the coronavirus crash. While the strategy would have been expected to generate some losses in periods of market volatility, the losses were far greater than expected, noted a report on […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 14, 2020 January 20, 2021
  • 08:45

The British Columbia Investment Management Corp. has released its environmental, social and governance strategy, which outlines its beliefs, principles, governance and how its investment strategies consider ESG factors. The strategy includes four components: integrate, influence, invest and insight. In particular, the BCI is focused on integrating ESG analysis and risk management into investment processes, influencing […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 13, 2020 December 6, 2020
  • 14:14
What’s keeping ESG rankings so convoluted?

With its recent acquisition of environmental, social and governance data analytics provider Sustainalytics, Morningstar Inc. is taking aim at the disparate ESG disclosure requirements still hampering the investment industry. In a recent report, Morningstar sussed out some of the issues hindering ESG measurement tools. “Simply put, ESG disclosures from issuers are all too often inconsistent and […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 10, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 09:00
PIAC calling for changes to PfAD calculation, solvency reserve accounts in N.S.

While the Pension Investment Association of Canada strongly supports Nova Scotia’s recent pension funding changes, it’s calling on the provincial government to tweak the provision for adverse deviation calculation and access to solvency reserve accounts. Nova Scotia’s pension funding changes took effect on April 1, reducing solvency funding to 85 per cent, with any shortfalls required to be […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 9, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 08:45