Keyword: greenhouse gas emissions

13 results found

Institutional investors seeking to reduce their portfolios’ carbon footprint should pay more attention to scope 3 emissions, says Priti Shokeen, head of environmental, social and governance research and engagement at TD Asset Management Inc. “Typically, when investors engage issuers on climate change, the focus tends to be on industries traditionally understood as high emitting, for […]

One year into a five-year plan to reduce its investments in greenhouse gas-emitting companies by 50 per cent, the Bâtirente is on pace to reach its target. Last year, the defined contribution pension fund announced a number of environmental commitments it intended to reach by 2025, including a pledge to reduce its exposure to climate-related […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 2, 2021 November 2, 2021
  • 09:00

A number of Canadian institutional investors are urging corporations to begin addressing climate change risks and opportunities in order to receive their investment dollars. Some 36 institutional investors, including Bâtirente, the British Columbia Investment Management Corp., the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, the Investment Management Corp. of Ontario, the Ontario Pension Board and the […]