Keyword: health benefits

2096 results found
Online CBT effective for chronic, severe mental-health conditions

Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy is reaching pockets of the population that had never previously accessed mental-health care and achieving clinical improvement for users, said Adam Kelly, chief commercial officer at MindBeacon Group, during Benefits Canada’s 2020 Mental Health Summit. iCBT, which is delivered asynchronously either through guided text conversations with a trained psychologist or social […]

Meeting the growing need for mental health with virtual care

Long before the coronavirus pandemic disrupted everyone’s lives, a large portion of the working population had mental-health issues that affected their jobs and performance. But the pandemic has drastically amplified mental-health issues such as anxiety, insomnia and depression, in turn spiking the demand for reliable resources, said Karen Grant, vice-president of strategy and operations at Teladoc Health, […]

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020
  • 09:00
Seneca College’s EAP schooling remote workers on fitness

As remote working continues amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Seneca College is increasingly promoting employee fitness. “Employee fitness has always been a high priority for us, but with the pandemic we’ve been talking about it even more,” says Felisha Ali, project and program coordinator for leadership and employee development at Seneca. She says staff have […]

  • By: Blake Wolfe
  • November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020
  • 09:00
A look at the link between mental health and gut health

The mental-health impacts of isolation and quarantine are clear, but Canadians may not realize loneliness can also harm their physical health, said Diane McIntosh, psychiatrist and chief neuroscience officer at Telus Health, during Benefits Canada’s 2020 Mental Health Summit on Nov. 12. “There have been correlates that loneliness or isolation . . . is like […]

Understanding the journey of a patient with depression

Defining depression may seem simple, but it’s actually a complex mental-health disorder that can look different for every person it affects. That’s why a personalized treatment plan is crucial to alleviate symptoms and promote recovery, said Dr. Diane McIntosh, psychiatrist and chief neuroscience officer at Telus Health, during a session at Benefit Canada’s 2020 Mental Health […]

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020
  • 07:56

Two-thirds of employees making short- or long-term disability claims cited their workplace or work-related issues as a cause, but despite this only one in three Canadian employers has a mental-health strategy in place. “Businesses may have several piecemeal strategies but not an overall strategy and the result is that their efforts either amount to nothing […]

Widespread use of AI could spur mental-health challenges

Technology and artificial intelligence can play important roles in helping to address mental-health issues, but they also have the potential to greatly exacerbate them, according to Bill Wilkerson, executive chairman at Mental Health International and an advisory board member at EQ Care.  Speaking at Benefits Canada’s 2020 Mental Health Summit on Nov. 13, he pointed to studies […]

Is private and public health care ready for a mental-health tsunami?

While group benefits plans can help employees access essential mental-health support, barriers still exist that keep people from receiving the care they need. And with the coronavirus pandemic exacerbating mental-health problems, providing adequate and affordable care is more critical than ever. “There is a critical need for ongoing collaboration between all segments of the corporate and professional […]

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020
  • 07:53
Canada’s mental-health care system ripe for a digital makeover

With the coronavirus pandemic expected to double the demand for mental-health service, digital technology is opening the door to a new normal, with shorter wait times for services, more personalized treatment options and improved integration between public and private providers. Over the past year, there’s been a rapid acceleration of the need for digital programming to fill gaps […]

Co-ordinated treatment plan required to get staff with depression back to work

With depression rapidly becoming the primary reason for workplace impairment and disability claims, it’s important to understand the role work plays in maintaining good health. “Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness,” said Dr. Pratap Chokka, clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Alberta and consultant psychiatrist at Grey Nuns Hospital, during […]

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020
  • 07:51