Keyword: health benefits

2095 results found
Some Uber, Lyft drivers suing over California’s Proposition 22

A judge is striking down a California ballot measure that exempted Uber and other app-based ride-hailing and delivery services from a state law requiring drivers to be classified as employees eligible for benefits and job protections. On Aug. 20, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Frank Roesch ruled that Proposition 22 was unconstitutional. Voters approved the measure […]

At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, Julie Gaudry and her colleagues in the industry braced themselves for a surge in disability claims that never came to fruition. “We didn’t know what the prevalence of this virus would be . . . and how significantly it would make people ill,” said Gaudry, head of group […]

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is promising 10 sick days for federally regulated employees. Trudeau made the promise on the federal election trail on Friday ahead of Canadians going to the polls on Sept. 21. Read: What are the current provincial policies on emergency, sick leave amid the coronavirus pandemic? “Before the pandemic hit, more than half of workers across […]

The Canadian Pharmacists Association is calling for a universal national pharmacare plan that blends public and private plans, according to a press release. The call is part of the professional association’s 2021 federal election priorities for all parties and candidates. Canadians go to the polls on Sept. 21 amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which has put […]

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Discussion around implementing a national universal pharmacare strategy is growing louder ahead of next month’s federal election. In its 2019 budget, the federal government said it would work with partners to move forward on a national pharmacare program, including the creation of a new national drug agency and formulary, as well as a national strategy for […]

Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice has certified a class-action lawsuit against Uber Technologies Inc., which advances a fight to get some of the platform’s Canadian couriers and drivers recognized as employees. The class action was certified by Judge Justin Paul Perell in a decision released late Thursday afternoon and stems from a court filing made […]

While one side highlights how plan sponsors can contribute to biosimilar sustainability, the other touts the benefits to patients and the health-care system. Durhane Wong-Rieger, president and chief executive officer, Institute for Optimizing Health Outcomes The Institute for Optimizing Health Outcomes recently published a scorecard rating the biosimilar policy frameworks of European countries across seven […]

The past year and a half has been characterized by marked change. The move to remote work, industry layoffs and the desire for more robust support left plan sponsors and consultants rapidly altering the ways they work together. Certain trends, such as virtual care, mental-health support, changing retirement needs and industry consolidation have slowly been […]

  • By: Leah Golob
  • August 13, 2021 August 11, 2021
  • 08:56

Thierry Miras, Schneider Electric’s vice-president of human resources in Canada, discusses embracing workplace inclusivity, flexible working and the Toronto Raptors. Q. What top challenges do you face in your role? A. The past year has brought unexpected challenges. As we still face uncertainty, one fact remains true: businesses must put employees first. We’re going to […]

Carebook Technologies Inc., a Montreal-based digital health and virtual care solutions provider, is acquiring CoreHealth Technologies Inc., a Kelowna, B.C.-based global corporate wellness platform, for $9 million on a cash-free and debt-free basis. CoreHealth provides health and wellness programs for corporate wellness companies, major insurers, human resources consulting firms, employee assistance program providers, health systems, population health management […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 11, 2021 August 10, 2021
  • 09:00