health care Page 2

Keyword: health care

518 results found
Fertility-benefits coverage is limited, outdated in Canada: report

Only five per cent of Canadian employers provide coverage for both fertility drugs and related costs such as in-vitro fertilization procedures and testing, according to a new report commissioned by Conceivable Dreams and Fertility Matters Canada. It found more than 85 per cent of benefit plans that covered fertility-related issues had lifetime maximums in place […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 3, 2021 April 23, 2021
  • 09:00

From a plan-manager perspective, eight per cent of plan members are living with diabetes, said Dr. Bruce Perkins, professor in the division of endocrinology and metabolism at the University of Toronto, during Benefits Canada’s Face to Face Drug Plan Management Forum on Dec. 9, 2020. He said risk-factor management is necessary when it comes to […]

Plan member’s adoption dream becoming reality thanks to benefits offering

Mandy Kwasnica and her husband so desperately wanted to adopt they were ready to sink all of their money (and then some) into making their dream a reality. “Adoption is very, very expensive, but we knew in our hearts that this was the right move we were making,” recalls the manager of mortgage sales support at […]

To help economy, bank proposes tax on working from home

The coronavirus pandemic is accelerating several health care trends in 2021, including the growth of virtual care and a focus on mental and emotional well-being, according to the Business Group on Health. The Washington-headquartered organization predicts the rapid expansion and availability of virtual care in 2020 will likely lead to increased options, including weight management, […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 13, 2021 April 14, 2021
  • 15:00
Coronavirus crisis accelerating virtual health care, focus on mental health

The coronavirus pandemic is accelerating several health care trends in 2021, including the growth of virtual care and a focus on mental and emotional well-being, according to the Business Group on Health. The Washington-headquartered organization predicts the rapid expansion and availability of virtual care in 2020 will likely lead to increased options, including weight management, […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 13, 2021 April 14, 2021
  • 15:00
Ontario needs a permanent virtual health-care strategy: report

With virtual health-care visits increasing as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, telemedicine should become a permanent part of Ontario’s health-care system, according to a new report by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. It recommended the Ontario government develop a comprehensive framework for virtual care in Ontario, including support for employers’ continued investment in […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 16, 2020 April 28, 2021
  • 09:00
Using benefits data, return to basics to weather coronavirus pandemic

With the coronavirus pandemic affecting plan sponsors in different ways, they can return to the basics and use data to manage their benefits spend, according to a webinar hosted by the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute on Tuesday. “It’s helpful for companies to pivot and take the conversation back to the basics, which is discussing the […]

Ontario Teachers’ investing in eye-care provider

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan is acquiring a majority stake in NVISION Eye Centers, a U.S.-based provider of eye-care services. As part of the transaction, Dr. Tom Tooma, NVISION’s founder, will retain a significant minority position in the company, serving as its chief medical officer and as a member of the board of directors. “Our […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 2, 2020 January 19, 2021
  • 12:12
Economic statement includes new rules for employee stock options

In Monday’s fall economic statement, the federal government proposed changes to employee stock option rules and offered additional support for essential workers. The statement provided an overview of the government’s approach to combating the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, while offering details on additional measures moving forward. The changes to employee stock option tax rules include an annual […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 1, 2020 April 28, 2021
  • 10:30
Green Shield Benefits Association acquiring Benecaid

The Green Shield Benefits Association, part of the Green Shield Canada group of companies, is acquiring Benecaid Health Benefit Solutions Inc. The company’s current leadership team will continue to operate the business under the Benecaid brand, according to a press release. “Benecaid’s track record of service excellence, growth and innovation, including its Honeybee digital platform, […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020
  • 15:00