HR communications

Keyword: HR communications

12 results found

Social media is breathing new life into employers’ pension communications, helping to make the benefit resonate with different audiences and offering organizations a far wider footprint than traditional channels. In some ways, the coronavirus pandemic was one of the key drivers of increasing the use of social media in workplace communications, says Jeff Pekar, director […]

In an increasingly polarized world, discussing politics in the workplace can be harmful to employees and negatively impact company culture, says Jasmine Escalera, a career expert with Indeed, a recent survey by the career website found a majority (89 per cent) of employees believe employers should limit or discourage political discussions. The survey, which polled more […]

When Phillip Kotanidis took over as chief human resources officer at Toronto’s Michael Garron Hospital in 2018, the financial well-being of staff wasn’t exactly high on his agenda. In such a fast-paced and potentially stressful workplace, money matters naturally took a backseat to the physical and mental health of the hospital’s staff, who are members […]


Before new pay transparency legislation takes effect in Ontario, it’s important for employers to ensure their current compensation structure is in order, says Dominic Girard, a senior consultant in compensation at Arthur J. Gallagher and Co. If passed, the legislation would require employers to include expected salary ranges in job postings so candidates are better poised to make informed […]

UCS Forest Group’s chief human resources and administrative officer discusses the complexities of the post-pandemic workplace, training managers to adapt to the new working environment and ensuring her dogs live their best lives. Q: What top challenges do you face in your role? A: In this post-pandemic world, employees are dealing with a lot of […]

As employers increasingly customize their human resources, benefits and pension communications campaigns, how are these methods connecting with employees? Long gone are the days of chunky tomes of group benefits and pension information. Once the norm, those pages and pages of minutiae have gradually been replaced by more personalized and targeted communications. “Direct communication is […]

Since the ‘Great Resignation’ began last year, new hires in the U.S. believe their onboarding process isn’t adequately covering many of the basics employees need to be successful, including their workplace benefits, according to a new survey by Eagle Hill Consulting. The survey, which polled nearly 800 U.S. employees, found the main areas of concern […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 13, 2022 April 13, 2022
  • 15:00
HP Canada finds balance between inclusion, intrusion while onboarding during coronavirus

For many employers, the newly digital office environment necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic can be awkward, especially for recent graduates entering career-track jobs for the firm time. “Personally, I’m saddened by the situation for a number of reasons, but certainly for those students that are graduating and looking for summer internships, . . . hiring […]

Human Resourcefulness: HR lessons from The Office’s Toby Flenderson

The third episode of Benefits Canada‘s new podcast, Human Resourcefulness, looks at the role of the human resources manager through Toby Flenderson of The Office.  Our experts are blunt — the passive and indiscrete Toby isn’t great at his job. But what do you do when a Toby walks off the screen and into your office? Priya Sarin […]

Human Resourcefulness: HR lessons from The Office’s Dwight Schrute and Jim Halpert

The second episode of Benefits Canada’s new podcast, Human Resourcefulness, continues this week with a look at The Office‘s Dwight Schrute and Jim Halpert. Dwight cares a lot about his company, but his suspicion and lack of humour make him a difficult colleague to work with. Jim seems like a great guy to grab a beer with […]