Keyword: human resources

2108 results found

Two-fifths (40 per cent) of U.S. workers with employer-provided health benefits reported delaying care due to cost, which negatively impacted their mental health, workplace culture and productivity, according to a new survey by research group Nonfiction on behalf of health-care provider Paytient. The survey, which polled more than 1,500 U.S. workers with health insurance through […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 30, 2024 May 3, 2024
  • 15:00

Is your organization leading the way in transforming policies and programs to meet the evolving needs of employees? Are you stepping up your financial wellness initiatives to help employees through today’s difficult economic reality? Are you going the extra mile to support your employees’ mental health or implementing an award-worthy diversity, equity and inclusion strategy? […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 30, 2024 April 30, 2024
  • 09:00

Generation Z and millennials say they’d expect a 10 per cent salary increase, on average, if they were unable to work in a hybrid working arrangement, according to a survey by IWG Canada.  The survey, which polled more than 1,000 Canadian adults who work in a flexible, hybrid environment, found an overwhelming majority of gen Z […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 26, 2024 April 26, 2024
  • 15:00

An article on how employers are enhancing their benefits packages to boost talent attraction and retention was the most-read story on this past week. Here are the top five human resources, benefits, pension and investment stories of the last week: 1. 70% of employers say it’s impossible to offer all benefits demanded by employees: survey […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 26, 2024 April 25, 2024
  • 09:00

Canadians’ happiness in the workplace increased to 6.8 points out of 10 in April, up slightly from 6.6 in March, according to a new survey by ADP Canada Co. The survey, which polled 1,200 Canadian workers, found nearly half (47 per cent) said they feel satisfied in their current roles and responsibilities, with respondents continuing to […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 25, 2024 April 24, 2024
  • 15:00

Ontario will do away with sick note requirements for short absences as part of a larger effort to ease the administrative burden on doctors. The province will soon introduce legislation that, if passed, will no longer allow employers to require a sick note from a doctor for the provincially protected three days of sick leave […]

Copyright_Olga Yastremska_123RF

Two-fifths (43 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’re more afraid of working in an office full time than of losing their romantic relationship or getting a divorce, according to a new survey by LiveCareer. The survey, which polled more than 3,800 employees, also found many workers are more fearful of the prospect of full-time […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 23, 2024 April 23, 2024
  • 15:00

More than two-thirds (69 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’d be happier if they had deeper connections with work colleagues, according to a survey by technology company Nectar. The survey, which polled 800 U.S. employees, found while a majority (85 per cent) chat with someone outside of their department regularly, just two-fifths speak with someone […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 22, 2024 April 19, 2024
  • 09:00
Copyright_Wawrzyniec Korona_123RF

Unifor is temporarily withdrawing its applications to represent workers at two Vancouver-area Amazon facilities, accusing the e-commerce giant of providing a “suspiciously high” employee count. The union announced last week it had filed two applications with the B.C. Labour Relations Board to represent workers at fulfilment centres in New Westminster and Delta. “We’re not going […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 19, 2024 April 19, 2024
  • 15:00
Copyright_ Andrii Dragan_123RF

Meridian Credit Union is focusing on flexibility and mentorship to promote gender equity and female leadership in the historically male-dominated financial industry. According to the Canadian Credit Union Association, in 2023, only eight per cent of Fortune 500 chief executive officers were women. However, at Canada’s credit unions, 30 per cent of CEOs/general managers were […]