Keyword: human resources

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Concerns surrounding returning to the office and workplace coronavirus vaccination policies are negatively affecting Canadian workers’ mental health and well-being, according to LifeWorks Inc.’s latest mental-health index. Although July’s mental-health score held steady at negative 10.1, the same as for June 2021, it was the 16th consecutive month in a row that the index revealed […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 25, 2021 August 25, 2021
  • 09:00
Some Uber, Lyft drivers suing over California’s Proposition 22

A judge is striking down a California ballot measure that exempted Uber and other app-based ride-hailing and delivery services from a state law requiring drivers to be classified as employees eligible for benefits and job protections. On Aug. 20, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Frank Roesch ruled that Proposition 22 was unconstitutional. Voters approved the measure […]

At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, Julie Gaudry and her colleagues in the industry braced themselves for a surge in disability claims that never came to fruition. “We didn’t know what the prevalence of this virus would be . . . and how significantly it would make people ill,” said Gaudry, head of group […]

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Canadian employers said they expect salaries to increase from just over two per cent in 2021 to about three per cent in 2022, according to a new survey from Willis Towers Watson. The survey of employers around the globe found salary increases in 2022 are projected to be higher than in 2021 among the respondents, […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 23, 2021 August 23, 2021
  • 09:00

When the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic started to intensify in Canada, Toronto-based tech company Staffy decided it was time to implement a vaccination mandate. The company, which provides an on-demand workforce platform for the health-care and hospitality sector, made it mandatory for their 20 corporate staff to be vaccinated. They also made vaccinations […]

As more Canadian employers implement coronavirus vaccine policies for staff and clients, Hermie Abraham, an employment lawyer, says provisions that still allow unvaccinated people to participate are at the core of their legality. Porter Airlines, Sun Life Financial Inc. and Twitter Inc. have joined a growing list of Canadian businesses that will require their employees […]


A majority (79 per cent) of employees in hybrid work arrangements said they have strong connections with their teammates and colleagues, compared to 70 per cent of onsite workers and 64 per cent of remote employees, according to a new survey by ADP Inc. The survey of more than 9,000 U.S. employees found these connections […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 19, 2021 August 19, 2021
  • 13:00

Contract negotiations between Napanee, Ont.-based Lennox and Addington Interval House and Unifor Local 414, the union representing the company’s employees, have reached an impasse over maintaining the workers’ wellness fund. LAIH, a shelter serving women and children fleeing domestic violence, and the union have been locked in a conciliation process since March 10, 2021. The current […]


Twitter Inc. is among the latest employers enacting a coronavirus vaccination policy for employees. In an emailed statement to Benefits Canada, the social media company said anyone who wishes to return to its North American offices must be vaccinated and show proof. In May 2020, the company announced it would allow employees to continue working […]


Almost one in five (19 per cent) employees currently working from home said they’d consider quitting immediately if their employer demanded they return to the office full time, according to a new survey by the Angus Reid Institute. More than a third (39 per cent) said they’d head back to the office without much issue, […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 17, 2021 August 18, 2021
  • 15:00