Keyword: human resources

2115 results found

Employees choosing to retire or quit could rise in the second half of 2021 alongside the coronavirus pandemic receding, according to a report by the Royal Bank of Canada. The number of retirements in Canada fell about 20 per cent last year compared with the 12 months that ended February 2020, says Andrew Agopsowicz, a […]

The Ontario-based engineering consultancy firm C.F. Crozier and Associates Inc. is going beyond offering typical benefits, such as eye, dental and mental-health care, and providing employees with $20,000 to use as a down payment on their first home. Nick Mocan, president of C.F. Crozier, says he’d often hear employees relay horror stories of bidding wars […]

When Sun Life Assurance Co.’s employees return to work once the coronavirus pandemic recedes, they’ll be able to choose whether they work at home or in the office thanks to the company’s new flexible work policy. The insurer’s 12,000 employees won’t be required to work from the office any minimum or maximum number of days. Instead, […]

The federal government says legislation meant to help close the gender wage gap will come into effect on Aug. 31 and be phased in over the next three years. The Pay Equity Act requires federally regulated employers to ensure workers receive equal pay for work of equal value and is meant to help women get […]

Unvaccinated workers returning to the office could be required to continue wearing masks, steer clear of common areas and face a staggered workday or may even be asked to stay home, say experts. As workplaces begin to reopen, employers are grappling with how to keep all workers safe — including those who are unvaccinated. It’s […]

Toronto-based technology firm Uberflip is shaping its company culture by giving back to worthwhile causes. “When you give people an opportunity to be charitable, they’re almost grateful for that,” says Randy Frisch, president and co-founder of Uberflip. “They want those opportunities, but they don’t always know where to start. When they’re part of a business […]

A labour dispute between hospitality workers and two Vancouver hotels is affecting the employees’ health benefits and pension plan. More than 50 hospitality workers at the Pacific Gateway Hotel near the Vancouver International Airport are striking over the right to be recalled, while another 100 workers employed at the Hilton Vancouver Metrotown hotel in Burnaby, B.C., […]

Although vaccinations have been ramping up across the country, almost half (46 per cent) of Canadians who are working from home are anxious about contracting the virus if and when they return to the office, according to a survey conducted by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health on behalf of the Canada Life Assurance Co. The […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 6, 2021 July 5, 2021
  • 09:00

More than half (54 per cent) of Canadian employees said they’d leave their employer if current flexibility in schedule and work location isn’t extended post-coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey by EY Canada. “Whether you know — and accept — it or not, your employees have been forever transformed and walking back this sea […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 5, 2021 July 2, 2021
  • 09:00

The Bank of Montreal is empowering employees to become allies for their co-workers in the LGBTQ2S+ community. As part of its Zero Barriers to Inclusion 2025 strategy, released in September 2020, BMO launched its Road to Allyship training program to help employees on their own journey to allyship during Pride Month this June. The program […]