Keyword: human resources

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Words and imagery have the power to connect, evoke emotion and elicit a reaction. They also have the power to be inclusive, or exclusive, and employers can now harness that power for good to ensure they’re creating an inclusive workplace for everyone. If you received an email written in language you couldn’t relate to, would […]

  • By: Tom Milne
  • June 22, 2021 October 25, 2021
  • 09:00

Manulife Financial Corp. and its subsidiary John Hancock is educating and thanking its employees for continuing to work hard amid these tumultuous times. This is the second year the companies have given staff an extra day off since a global coronavirus pandemic was first declared in March 2020. And this year, the company also held […]

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North American employees are experiencing the highest daily stress levels in the world during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey by Gallup. It found employees’ daily stress levels increased by eight percentage points to 57 per cent, compared with 43 per cent globally. Despite this increase, Canadian and U.S. employees said their engagement […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 17, 2021 June 15, 2021
  • 09:00

Effective communications has become a necessity for employers since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. At Collective Arts Brewing Ltd., it’s also helping the company ensure staff safety and streamline the way they receive information. When the global pandemic was first declared in March 2020, Jenn Pavicich, the brewer’s vice-president of human resources, legal and […]

Copyright_Yuanyuan Xie_123RF

While a majority of employers envision a full-time return to the office post-coronavirus pandemic, many also plan to introduce flexible working arrangements, according to a new survey by ManpowerGroup Canada. It found 70 per cent of employers said the majority (76 per cent to 100 per cent) of their employees have roles that require them […]

As many employees struggle with mental-health issues during these tumultuous times, internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy is one tool that may help them bounce back. Employers can play a pivotal role in supporting staff amid the coronavirus pandemic by investing in these offerings. The pandemic is having a significant impact on working Canadians’ mental health, with […]


A majority of Canadian employees want minimal commuting and flexible work arrangements post-coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey by Angus Reid on behalf of IWG. Two-thirds (68 per cent) of respondents said they want their commute to be no longer than 30 minutes each way, with 31 per cent preferring a commute of no […] Inc. is allowing its corporate and technology employees to continue working remotely, even after the coronavirus pandemic restrictions start to lift soon across the U.S. The retail giant said those employees can work remotely two days a week and three days days in the office. In addition, they can work remotely from a domestic […]

When Mercer Canada recently partnered with a vendor on an employee well-being initiative, the human resources team noticed the images included in the materials reflected a stereotypical idea of the traditional family — a heterosexual couple with two children, all Caucasian. “It wasn’t reflective of our population,” says Julie Duchesne, Mercer’s health business leader in […]

An arbitration clause that doesn’t explicitly prohibit a terminated employee from making a complaint to the Ministry of Labour doesn’t offend employment standards legislation, the Ontario Superior Court has ruled. “The ruling will give comfort to employers that Ontario courts will enforce arbitration clauses,” says David Vaillancourt of Toronto’s AGM LLP, who represented Dealnet Capital […]