Keyword: human resources

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The federal labour minister says the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need to give employees the ability to avoid work emails and text messages as the lines between home and work lives blur. The idea, known as the right to disconnect, first came up as a proposed addition to the federal labour code almost three years ago. Read: How can employers manage work-from-home burnout? […]


Employee mental health is the top well-being issue in Canada, according to 72 per cent of employers, surveyed for Aon’s 2021 global well-being survey. Work-life balance followed closely behind at 69 per cent, followed by burnout (52 per cent), virtual work environment and working environment/culture (both at 39 per cent), as the top well-being issues […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 26, 2021 April 26, 2021
  • 09:00

As it becomes increasingly clear that workplaces are a key transmission location in the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, some Canadian employers are offering paid sick leave to their employees in the absence of government action. Paid sick leave benefits, which allow workers to call in sick without fear of losing a day’s pay, […]

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Women remain underrepresented in boardrooms of Canadian companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange despite the introduction of disclosure requirements intended to boost their numbers, according to a report by the Conference Board of Canada. The report said while there’s some progress in the proportion of women on corporate boards, the pace of change remains slow. “More needs […]

As the shift to full-time remote working endures during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, location-based pay policies are coming to the forefront of discussions as employers plan for the future workplace, noted a geographical pay survey by WorldatWork. Of the 62 per cent of U.S. organizations surveyed with existing geographic pay policies, 44 per cent are […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 19, 2021 April 26, 2021
  • 09:00

McDonald’s Corp. is mandating worker training to combat harassment, discrimination and violence in its restaurants worldwide starting next year. The training requirement will impact 2 million workers at 39,000 stores worldwide. “It’s really important that we be very clear — a safe and respectful workplace where people feel like they’re going to be protected is […]

Microsoft Canada’s head of human resources, talks about the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, implementing DEI measures and supporting employee mental health Q. What top challenges do you face in your role? A. It will come as no surprise that many of the challenges I currently face in my role result from the pandemic. As […]

In recognition of its employees’ efforts during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Volkswagen and Germany’s largest industrial union have agreed on a 23-month wage deal that provides a €1,000-euro bonus (approximately $1,501.37 in Canadian dollars), as well as a 2.3 per cent wage increase that will take effect in January 2022. The deal covers 120,000 workers at […]

In just a few weeks, Salesforce will allow employees in select U.S. locations to return to work in the office, according to a statement the company posted on its website. Starting in May, Salesforce’s vaccinated U.S. employees in California, specifically in San Francisco, Palo Alto and Irvine, can voluntarily join groups of 100 or fewer […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 14, 2021 May 24, 2021
  • 15:00

The head of the Bank of Nova Scotia is urging Ottawa to top up the annual Canada Child Benefit and increase childcare expense deductions, ahead of the federal budget announcement slated for April 19. During the bank’s annual general meeting on April 13, Brian Porter, chief executive officer of Scotiabank, said he wants the benefit […]