Keyword: human resources

2179 results found
Canada’s gender wage gap worse when including certain demographic traits: report

Although Canada has a wide range of federal and provincial legislation intended to ensure Canadians can benefit from the labour market equally, gender wage gaps continue to persist along gender and race lines, according to a new report by the C.D. Howe Institute. In good news, the gender wage gap, on an hourly basis, is starting to […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 10, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 09:30

In 2018, 25 per cent of Canadians, or 7.8 million people, aged 15 and older provided care to a family member or friend with a long-term health condition, a physical or mental disability or problems related to aging, according to data published this week by Statistics Canada. This compares to 8.1 million people, or 28 […]

More employers offering financial well-being benefits: survey

Financial well-being benefits are on the rise in North America, according to a new survey by WorldatWork. Among the companies surveyed, 70 per cent said they currently offer financial well-being benefits, more than half said they intend to expand these benefits and 35 per cent said they’ve increased spending in this area. “Financial benefits play a critical […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 9, 2020 November 30, 2020
  • 09:15
‘War for talent’ to drive employers’ total rewards strategy in 2020

Strong competition to attract and retain talent will drive employers to adopt holistic employee wellness strategies in 2020, according to the Workforce Institute at Kronos Inc.’s global workforce predictions for the year. “We have these war for talent issues going on everywhere,” says Joyce Maroney, executive director at the Workforce Institute. “One of the ways […]

Ethical veganism a philosophical belief, finds British tribunal in pension investment case

On Friday, a judge in Norwich, U.K. ruled that ethical veganism qualifies as a philosophical belief under Britain’s Equality Act, in a pension-related case filed by ethical vegan Jordi Casamitjana against his former employer, the League Against Cruel Sports. In late 2018, Casamitjana took his grievance to Britain’s employment tribunal, alleging he was unduly dismissed for raising concerns over the organization’s […]

Women and men to reach pay equality in 257 years: report

Men and women will have pay equality in 257 years, according to a new report by the World Economic Forum. The estimate is 55 more years than the estimates from past reports. This year’s report found a two per cent increase in the number of women in senior roles, but noted that women’s participation in the […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 3, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 09:35
Quebec bill proposes increase to adoptive parental leave

Quebec’s government is introducing a bill that would increase leave entitlements for adoptive parents from the current 37 weeks to 42. The bill would also increase entitlements for parents adopting children from outside Quebec from 42 to 52 weeks of leave. In addition, the bill proposes amending current legislation to increase the work income-related exemptions parents are entitled […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 2, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 09:30
Top 10 legal stories of 2019

Popular legal cases in 2019 covered age discrimination, bankruptcy proceedings, constructive dismissals and a range of other topics. Benefits Canada rounds up the industry’s most popular legal stories of the year: 1. Settlement reached in Ontario age discrimination benefits case 2. Ontario appeal court decision could change pension landscape in bankruptcy proceedings 3. Court confirms employer’s right to change job conditions 4. Class […]

Top 10 health and benefits stories of 2019

On the health benefits front, readers were focused on paid leave, legislative changes, medical cannabis and a range of other issues in 2019. Benefits Canada rounds up the industry’s most popular health and benefits stories of the year: 1. Employers urged to prepare for incoming EI parental sharing benefit 2. WSIB policy on medical cannabis takes effect 3. Scotiabank adds extra paid personal days […]

Best Buy fosters charitable giving during the holidays and beyond

Helping employees find meaningful ways to give back to their communities helps energize them, even during the busiest retail season of the year, says Chris Taylor, chief human resources officer at Best Buy Canada. “We have so many programs throughout the year, but like at many companies it really ramps up during the holidays,” he says. In […]