Keyword: human resources

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When Lightspeed Commerce Inc. employees headed back to their office this year, they found a space double the size of their last with a restaurant serving free meals, a smoothie bar and a barista to craft custom drinks. “We’re making it a very unique experience and the entire office is kind of a lounging area […]


An article on the lack of benefits provided by small- and medium-sized employers in Eastern Canada was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. 80% of SMEs in Eastern Canada don’t provide employee benefits: survey 2. Bank of England intervened in bond market to […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 14, 2022 October 13, 2022
  • 09:00

Capital One Canada is supporting employee well-being by providing six months of protected leave to volunteer, travel or take time with family. The financial organization launched the program in September after noticing requests for leaves were coming up without a formal process in place. While some employees’ requests were in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, […]

As employers increasingly focus on diversity, equity and inclusion in their human resources policies and benefits programs, KPMG in Canada has introduced a daily living benefit that provides coverage for living aid equipment for employees. Some examples of equipment that qualifies under the new benefit are chairlifts, grab bars and bathroom equipment such as bath […]

Our industry sometimes gets a bad rap for being overly traditional and slow to change. But there’s no question we’ve seen some major shifts in employee benefits over the past 45 years. Three of those shifts will have implications for employers going forward. Greater onus on the individual to save for retirement Over the years, […]

I was a little daunted to write a piece for Benefits Canada’s 45th anniversary issue — it has been almost 15 years since I last penned a column for the magazine and I’m a little out of practice. The assignment seemed straightforward — 500 to 600 words on how benefits have evolved or what’s expected […]

  • By: Don Bisch
  • October 14, 2022 November 8, 2022
  • 08:52

The firm’s benefits, pension and well-being leader discusses diversity, equity and inclusion strategies, destigmatizing mental illness and improving her sewing skills. Q: What new programs or initiatives are you looking to implement? A: This year, we launched a reimagined benefits program that included a variety of DEI-focused benefits. In the coming year, we’re looking to […]

Quebec-based consulting firm Big Bang ERP Inc. is supporting employee well-being through a focus on social and personal wellness, as well as enhanced benefits. Through its wellness committee, known as SoWell, the employer organizes group activities like sports or games nights, as well as yoga classes, healthy lunches and mindfulness mornings, says Julie Brunet, director of […]

Nearly a third (32 per cent) of Canadian employees say they’re feeling tired or overworked on the job, posing concerns about a correlation between boundaries and burnout, according to a new survey by ADP Canada. The survey, which polled more than 700 Canadian employees, found although two-thirds (67 per cent) feel satisfied in the workplace, […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 12, 2022 October 12, 2022
  • 15:00

Canada’s employment insurance system requires modernization to weather negative economic shocks, according to a new report by the C.D. Howe Institute. The report, which analyzed unemployment rates across Canada over 13 years, found 85 per cent of the variation in rates reflects provincial differences, including layoffs occurring in regions characterized by persistent high unemployment rates […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 12, 2022 October 11, 2022
  • 09:00