Keyword: human resources

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Just 19 per cent of Canada’s investment managers say they’ve adopted a fully remote working model as of September 2022, according to a survey by the Portfolio Management Association of Canada. The survey, which polled more than 100 investment managers among the PMAC’s membership, also found more than a quarter (26 per cent) said they’re […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 14, 2022 September 14, 2022
  • 15:00

The Federal Court of Appeal has ruled that a Halifax restaurant must include a portion of the electronic gratuities intended for wait staff as “pensionable salary and wages” when calculating its liabilities under the Canada Pension Plan. This was despite the fact the restaurant had no obligation to include gratuities paid in cash directly to […]


The modern economy is highly uncertain, with inflation and rising interest rates cutting into bottom lines everywhere. Employers are nervous as the cost of capital and the cost of their inputs seems to rise every day. But employees are nervous, too. And since no one knows when inflation will end, it’s difficult for anyone to […]

Half (49 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’re burned out from their jobs, down from 58 per cent in August 2020, according to a new survey by Eagle Hill Consulting. The survey, which polled 1,000 employees, found the top sources of burnout cited by respondents are workload (48 per cent), staffing shortages (45 per […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 12, 2022 September 12, 2022
  • 15:00

Amid a backdrop of economic uncertainty and a tight labour market, Canadian employers are still planning average salary increase budgets of 3.8 per cent, excluding salary freezes, in 2023 — a rate higher than historical trends, according to a survey by Normandin Beaudry. The survey, which polled more than 750 employers and nearly 1.8 million employees, also […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 12, 2022 September 12, 2022
  • 09:01

When it comes to paid time-off policies for religious holidays outside of Christmas and Easter, can provincial governments do more to ensure all employees receive two paid days off to observe their chosen faith? While Andrew Zabrovsky, an employment lawyer with Hicks Morley Hamilton Stewart Storie LLP, says the government could make changes to the […]

The announcement Benefits Canada‘s 2022 Workplace Benefits Awards’ finalists was the most-read story on over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Which employers are finalists in the 2022 Workplace Benefits Awards? 2. Class action suit against Indian solar business backed by Caisse, OMERS seeking lead plaintiff 3. OMERS appointing […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 9, 2022 September 9, 2022
  • 09:00

In 2019, Nick Smith graduated with $50,000 worth of debt — $30,000 in student loans and $20,000 with a student line of credit. Low-paying jobs and a high cost of living made it hard for Smith to make a dent on his debt until he got hired as a mechanical technologist in Halifax at Dillon Consulting […]

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Vista is using clear objectives and direct communication to maintain productivity amid its remote working first approach. “We’ve been able to track how we’re meeting our goals and it’s less about how and where you’re doing the work and more about ensuring we’re meeting quarterly and annual milestones and delivering on business objectives,” says Maureen Carroll, […]

  • By: Sadie Janes
  • September 8, 2022 September 9, 2022
  • 09:00

Despite President Joe Biden’s new student loan forgiveness program, nearly two-thirds (60 per cent) of U.S. employers that currently offer a student loan repayment program won’t be changing their policy,  according to a survey by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. The survey, which polled more than 300 U.S. employers, found the majority (74 […]

  • By: Staff
  • September 7, 2022 September 6, 2022
  • 09:00