Keyword: hybrid workplace

298 results found

While more than three-quarters (77 per cent) of Canadians want a hybrid work arrangement once the coronavirus pandemic recedes, a majority (81 per cent) expressed concern that their companies aren’t ready or equipped to successfully manage this model, according to a new survey by KPMG in Canada. The survey, which polled more than 2,000 Canadian […]

As employers and their employees exit the coronavirus pandemic, they’ll be confronted with a host of new challenges, said Linda Duxbury, Chancellor’s professor in management at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business, during the keynote session of Benefits Canada’s 2021 Benefits & Pension Summit this week. “Much like with a tsunami, [smaller] waves are going […]

Amid the rising pressures and challenges of the shift to remote working as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, employers are adjusting organizational programs to meet evolving business and employee needs, according to a new survey by the Conference Board of Canada. A majority (more than 70 per cent) of employers surveyed said they’ve adjusted […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 20, 2021 May 20, 2021
  • 15:00

Amid the second (and hopefully last) year of the coronavirus pandemic, employers are starting to plan for the post-pandemic future. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic, forcing many employers around the globe to rapidly shift mainly white-collar employees to working from home. By April 2020, in Canada, […]

Google and IBM Corp. are planning to shift the majority of their respective workforces to a hybrid work model, as the companies begin to plan for the post-pandemic future. In a report by The Associated Press, Google said it’s expecting about 20 per cent of its workforce to continue remote work after its offices reopen this […]

For many Canadians, the coronavirus pandemic profoundly changed their daily commute: people used to catching a subway or driving or biking to work now commute just mere steps from their bedroom to their home office, couch or kitchen table. According to Statistics Canada, the pandemic prompted a five-fold increase in the number of Canadians teleworking […]

In just a few weeks, Salesforce will allow employees in select U.S. locations to return to work in the office, according to a statement the company posted on its website. Starting in May, Salesforce’s vaccinated U.S. employees in California, specifically in San Francisco, Palo Alto and Irvine, can voluntarily join groups of 100 or fewer […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 14, 2021 May 24, 2021
  • 15:00

Many white-collar employees were forced to work from home when a global coronavirus pandemic was declared last March, but now, with an eye toward the great reset, employers must decide whether to embrace working from home permanently or revert back to an in-person working model. Most employees’ sentiments have shifted toward a preference for continuing […]