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Despite concerns about global economic headwinds, the Bank of Canada’s successful efforts to curb inflation is capturing the attention of institutional investors, says Kathrin Forrest, a Toronto-based equity investment specialist at Capital Group Inc. “It’s surprised market participants,” says Forrest, referring to the central bank’s Oct. 26 decision to increase interest rates for the sixth […]

When Saskatchewan’s Public Employees Pension Plan’s board introduced alternatives to its investment lineup in 2020 with an aim to improve the defined contribution plan’s risk-adjusted returns through diversification, it wasn’t its first time at the rodeo. The move came after 15 years of experience and comfort with alternatives through the PEPP’s defined benefit companion plan, […]

The OPSEU Pension Trust is supporting employees’ and plan members’ financial literacy with its defined benefit pension education program and extensive member communications. “We run a program called People for Pensions, an education program focused on articulating the value of defined benefit pensions and not just the benefit they provide to people who have them, […]

  • By: Sadie Janes
  • November 17, 2022 November 15, 2022
  • 09:00

Nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of Canadian pre-retirees say the rising cost of living is preventing them from retiring when they’d like to, up from 56 per cent in 2021, according to a new survey by Fidelity Canada. The survey, which polled more than 1,900 Canadians aged 45 and older, found 55 per cent said […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 17, 2022 November 16, 2022
  • 09:00

Every day, it seems the news includes a story or two about the economy and whether or not a recession is coming. At the same time, with interest rates, inflation and day-to-day costs rising, employees may already be feeling anxious about their ability to meet their financial obligations. Some employees will be feeling concerned about […]

  • By: Kim Siddall
  • November 16, 2022 November 15, 2022
  • 09:00

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s assets returned 0.2 per cent during the second quarter of fiscal 2023, according to its latest quarterly report. By Sept. 30, 2022, the investment organization’s net assets reached $529 billion, up from $523 billion at the end of June. About $5 billion was generated by net transfers, while the […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 15, 2022 February 10, 2023
  • 13:00

Capital accumulation plan member outcomes saw modest increases in the third quarter, due to high annuity rates that shielded members from modest investment market declines, according to a new report by Eckler Ltd. It found a typical male member retiring at the end of September achieved a gross income replacement ratio of 60.3 per cent […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 15, 2022 November 15, 2022
  • 09:00

The union representing employees at automobile manufacturing company Stellantis’ assembly plants in Windsor, Ont. and Brampton, Ont. has ratified a three-year collective agreement that includes pension and retiree benefits improvements. The agreement will add $1 per hour to the current company pension contribution. Employees earning the current maximum wage rate will see the pension contribution converted […]

An article on Telus Communications Inc.’s win in Benefits Canada‘s 2022 Workplace Benefits Awards was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com over the last week. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. Telus wins award for supporting employees’ holistic well-being 2. Survey finds nearly all young employees globally experiencing burnout 3. Half of employees say employer hasn’t communicated […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 4, 2022 November 3, 2022
  • 09:00

Western University is marking Financial Literacy Month with a series of webinars and consultations addressing employees’ financial questions. The webinars cover topics such as retirement, estate planning, investments and the connection between health and wealth. While the university has covered the health-wealth connection in previous years, the topic is of perennial interest to employees and is […]