infrastructure Page 54

Keyword: infrastructure

552 results found
Infrastructure financing improving

The current state of infrastructure in Canada and its future development compare favourably with the rest of the world. An expert panel at the recent EuroMoney Canada Forum painted a rather rosy picture of what Canada’s current infrastructure situation. There were, of course, comparisons drawn between the infrastructure financing in Canada and in the U.S. […]

Is infrastructure investing for you?

Why should institutional investors invest in the infrastructure space? Most pension plans need to match liabilities, and infrastructure investment is a way to do this, providing “real return protection,” said Janet Rabovsky, senior investment consultant with Towers Watson, speaking earlier this week at the Infrastructure Symposium 2011 in Toronto. “Given the level of bonds, many […]

Infrastructure, Private Equity for Smaller Plans

Coverage of the 2010 Investment Innovation Conference.

AIMCo to buy stake in highway in Chile

Alberta Investment Management Co. (AIMCo) has agreed to buy a 50% interest in the Autopista Central Highway in Santiago, Chile, from Skanska AB for $878 million. The six-lane highway runs 61 kilometres through central Santiago and connects the suburbs with downtown and the Pan-American Highway. “Rapid economic growth in Latin America is creating a great […]

  • December 29, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 12:15
Infrastructure: Fields of Dreams

While infrastructure assets may be divided into these four broad categories, investors must also consider other factors that will impact an asset’s risk profile, such as what market an asset is in, the nature of the political environment and regulator (if any), the levels of leverage and the stage of development of the asset (the […]

Green lights and speed bumps in infrastructure investing

The past decade has seen dramatic growth in the number of institutional investors that have added infrastructure to their asset allocation strategies. Changes to pension regulatory and accounting rules have been one catalyst prompting many investors to seek assets that better match their long-term liabilities. Other drivers include concerns regarding where inflation is headed and […]

de Bever Cools on Infrastructure

Barriers: regulatory risk, high costs.

Top Lessons in Infrastructure Investing

Online Debates: A Year in Review Part I

10 Reasons to Consider Investing in Africa: Forum Part 3

It's time to look at hard numbers not myths.

  • May 3, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 21:43
Africa Rebranded

Leaders make case that continent is open for business, not hopeless.

  • April 26, 2010 September 13, 2019
  • 12:35