infrastructure Page 56

Keyword: infrastructure

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Other Brieflies this week:| MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | Canada’s economy is on solid ground and is well positioned to weather the current economic turbulence, according to federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. “It’s important to note that, although our economy is closely tied to the United States, we are not […]

Alberta Investment Management Corp. (AIMCo) plans to invest more in private equity, infrastructure assets and hedge funds in an effort to boost returns. “In recent years, returns on traditional interest-bearing investments, such as bonds and money market funds, have fallen,” said AIMCo chairman Charles Baillie, in a speech to the Calgary Chamber of Commerce Thursday. […]

  • By: Jody White
  • April 18, 2008 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00