Japan’s equity market is a growth jurisdiction once again, said Olga Bitel, partner and global strategist at William Blair, during the Canadian Investment Review‘s 2024 Global Investment Conference held in April. While this is very much early days for Japan, there are three opportunities on the horizon for its equity market: an expansion; substantial and […]
In the fight against cybercriminals, institutional investors and other financial organizations are managing cybersecurity just as seriously as any other type of business risk, with standards that can accommodate the integration of new practices and assessment tools. “We’re finding that, pension plans included, enterprises more broadly are taking [cybersecurity] more seriously and putting in place […]
A story on how Organon Canada is supporting women employees at every stage of their career was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com. Here are the top five human resources, benefits, pension and investment stories of the past week: 1. Organon launching initiative to support women’s career, health journey in the workplace 2. Survey finds 38% of Canadian employees […]
Tim Deacon is leaving his role as chief financial officer at the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan for a leadership role at another financial institution, effective April 5. Effective April 8, Deacon will begin a new role as Sun Life Financial Inc.’s chief financial officer. He joined the Ontario Teachers’ in 2021, succeeding David McGraw after serving as […]
An article on Eastman Kodak Co.’s plans to outsource management of its pension assets was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com. Here are the top five human resources, benefits, pension and investment stories of the week: 1. Kodak outsourcing US$1.6TN of pension assets to maximize overfunded status 2. OMERS returns 4.6% for 2023, driven by equities, fixed income […]
When investing in technology companies with artificial intelligence capabilities, it’s important that institutional investors ensure these entities own — or have relationships with large internet players that own — proprietary data that can deliver value, said Rob Zeuthen, head of secular pod and senior portfolio manager at Newton Investment Management, during the Canadian Investment Review‘s […]
The Ontario Municipal Employees’ Retirement System’s assets grew by 4.2 per cent to $124.2 billion in 2022, according to its annual results. “Our significant allocations to private investments and focus on short-term credit over long-term bonds protected OMERS from the worst period of market losses incurred by investors since the 2008 global financial crisis,” said […]
A story on KPMG in Canada helping staff refresh and recharge by making every weekend a long weekend this summer took the top spot over the past week on BenefitsCanada.com. Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. KPMG is turning every weekend into a long weekend for employees this summer 2. University Pension Plan […]
Investing is undergoing a paradigm shift, which will see investors do well by doing good, according to John Levy, director of impact at Franklin Templeton Investments. “Traditional investing is agnostic about its role on the planet, local communities and society. At some point, something like what we now call sustainable investing came along,” he said during […]
The term cryptocurrency may evoke a number of different images, from lightning-fast computers fuelling get-rich-quick schemes to shady rooms where hackers plot multi-million dollar digital heists. And while there may be some truth to those perceptions, cryptocurrency is a growing sector that many institutional investors are eyeing with increasing interest. Indeed, in mid-December 2020 Bitcoin’s […]