Keyword: investment strategies

870 results found
CAP income replacement levels up from all-time lows in March: report

The average gross income replacement ratio for a typical defined contribution plan member was up at the end of September, according to Eckler Ltd.’s latest capital accumulation plan income tracker. It found a typical male DC plan member retiring at age 65 at the end of month saw their gross income replacement ratio returned to 56 per […]

  • By: Staff
  • November 2, 2020 January 19, 2021
  • 15:00
Coronavirus pandemic affecting retirement plans, savings: survey

Many Canadians are seeing the impact of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic on their retirement plans and ability to save, according to a new survey by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. In the survey, 40 per cent of respondents expressed concerns about the pandemic’s effects on their savings, with 23 per cent unable to contribute […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 23, 2020 October 23, 2020
  • 15:15
What do historically low interest rates mean for DB pension de-risking?

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, many organizations were focused on getting through the short term, but defined benefit pension plan sponsors are starting to take another look at de-risking. As of the second quarter of 2020, the total market volume of group annuity purchases year-to-date was $0.5 billion, compared to $1.5 billion in the first […]

OPTrust invests in eco-friendly waste management solutions company

The OPSEU Pension Trust is investing in Environmental 360 Solutions Inc., an eco-friendly waste management solutions company headquartered in Napanee, Ont. Furthering its commitment to responsible investing, the investment signals that environmental, social and governance factors remain a part of the pension fund’s long-term vision, noted a press release. “We are very pleased to announce our […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 22, 2020 October 22, 2020
  • 13:00
How pension plan sponsors can use demographic-focused investing

Over the last 40 years, the demographics of pension plan membership have changed drastically, said Michael Augustine, managing director and head of asset-liability management at TD Asset Management, during a webinar hosted by the investment manager earlier this month. “Forty years ago, when rates were a lot higher, pension plan demographics were quite different. For every […]

Chris Brown

The Local Authorities Pension Plan is in an interesting situation. Historically, the president of the Alberta Treasury Board and the minister of finance was the plan’s legal trustee and administrator, but in 2019, the LAPP became independent of government, with its own sponsor board and corporation, which now acts as the plan’s trustee and administrator. […]

Is value investing still relevant in a volatile market?

Back in December 2018, I wrote an article asking whether it was a good time for pension plan sponsors to revisit value investing. At that time, public equity markets were having a difficult quarter and traditional value strategies didn’t perform as well as expected, failing to provide the much-touted protection in down equity markets. Flash forward to […]

  • October 6, 2020 December 6, 2020
  • 08:45
A look at the investment variables of variable benefits

Since retirees and active plan members are fundamentally different, should their investment options reflect that distinction? That’s the question confronting defined contribution plan sponsors as they explore the relatively new world of in-plan decumulation. As of January, when the Ontario government passed a series of new regulations under the Pension Benefits Act, the majority of […]

Plan Sponsor Week: HOOPP looking to LDI strategy 2.0 amid low interest rates

The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan is well-known for its liability-driven investing strategy, which helped it successfully weather the 2008 financial crisis. During the coronavirus fallout, in an era of historically low interest rates, the HOOPP is working on developing LDI 2.0. “We’re very focused on liabilities, but what you do when interest rates are […]

Plan Sponsor Week: DB benefits for DC members at Halifax Port ILA/HEA pension plan

The Halifax Port ILA/HEA found a way to provide its defined contribution pension plan members with a defined benefit upon retirement — and it’s been doing so successfully for 35 years. As a private sector multi-employer plan, the pension has about 450 active members, 300 retirees and about $210 million in assets. The DB plan […]