Keyword: investment strategies

870 results found
BCI posts 3% gain for fiscal 2020

The British Columbia Investment Management Corp. rounded out its fiscal year with a three per cent return, slightly underperforming its 3.3 per cent benchmark. In dollar terms, the BCI added $17.8 billion as of March 31, 2020, rounding to a total $171.3 billion in assets under management. The three per cent return represented something of […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 31, 2020 November 11, 2020
  • 09:54
CPPIB appointing new board director, Caisse new head of liquid markets

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is adding Boon Sim to its board of directors. Sim held senior leadership roles at Singapore-based investment house Temasek International between 2012 and 2017, most recently as president for the Americas, head of markets groups and head of life science and credit portfolios. Prior to his time at Temasek, he […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 21, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 15:15
Blessing in disguise? DC pension plan sponsors not changing much in response to coronavirus

While it’s likely a small mercy that defined contribution plan members, by and large, didn’t have knee-jerk reactions to recent market turbulence, plan sponsors have been rather quiet as well. Much of this is related to the reality that the people who typically deal with small to mid-size DC plans at their organization are busy with other […]

How are pension plans conducting due diligence amid physical distancing?

Before physical distancing, pension plan sponsors typically held in-person meetings and site visits when allocating to new investment managers. “I like to look people in the eye when they’re telling me what they’re going to do,” says Blair Richards, chief executive officer of the Halifax Port ILA/HEA Pension Plan. “It’s very old school and it’s […]

Caisse leveraging technology for investment, risk management

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec is introducing a new structure to maximize its impact in technology. The integrated approach aims to leverage technology for performance, both in investment and risk management activities, as well as in transforming the organization. “For many years now, CDPQ has made the integration of disruptive technology a strategic priority,” […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 19, 2020 November 12, 2020
  • 09:03
2020 CAP Member Survey webinar: Challenges ahead

As if preparing for retirement wasn’t already a steep challenge, along comes the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the global economy, throwing up even more obstacles for capital accumulation plan members to maneuver. This year’s annual CAP Member Survey, supported by Actuarial Solutions Inc. and Morneau Shepell Ltd., fielded its questions between March 30 […]

Where can pension funds find returns in a low interest rate environment?

Investors were already feeling the pressures of historically low interest rates. Then came the coronavirus pandemic. The Bank of Canada cut its overnight interest rate at the end of March to an all-time low of 0.25 per cent and announced a plan to spend $5 billion per week on Government of Canada bonds. This came […]

How the Saskatchewan Pension Plan helps members through retirement

The Saskatchewan Pension Plan is improving investment choice for members in the accumulation phase and introducing new options to help them through decumulation as well. Leading up to retirement, SPP members are defaulted into a balanced fund, which has been in place since the plan started in 1986. In 2010, it introduced a short-term fund, […]

Back to basics on factor investing

Factor investing is a style of management that aims to harvest the common traits of a group or basket of securities that helps inform their risk and return potential. “When we talk about factors, we’re really talking about common characteristics that securities, such as stocks or bonds, share,” says Mo Haghbin, chief operating officer of […]

The volatility caused by the coronavirus pandemic made the first quarter of 2020 rough for many Canadian defined benefit pension plans. In early June, the Local Authorities Pension Plan Corp., which is mandated to invest with the Alberta Investment Management Corp., said it began the year with $50.6 billion in assets under management and ended the […]