The British American Tobacco Group is rolling out a range of new parental benefits for its 55,000 global employees. The aim of the new benefits, which will be effective Jan. 1, 2019, is to help new parents balance their home and work lives during the first year of parenthood. It includes a minimum of 16 weeks’ fully […]
Rural and suburban postal workers across the country celebrated Thursday after an arbitrator ordered Canada Post to pay them more — much more — as part of a long-awaited pay equity decision. For a majority of the Crown agency’s mostly-female rural and suburban carriers, known as RSMCs, the ruling translates into a 25-per-cent pay hike, plus some increased […]
New regulations in New Brunswick providing paid leave for victims of domestic, intimate partner or sexual violence took effect on Sept. 1. The new regulations allow up to 10 days of leave to be used intermittently or continuously, and up to 16 weeks to be used in one continuous period, of which the first five days will […]
The federal government has published its findings from nearly a year of consultations on federal labour standards with Canadian citizens, unions, labour organizations, employers, employer organizations and other stakeholders. “We heard one strong message throughout the consultations: the way Canadians work has changed, but federal labour standards have not,” said Patty Hajdu, minister of Employment, Workforce […]
Some 71 per cent of global employers have a defined wellness program for their employees, according to a new report by the Top Employers Institute. The survey, which queried 1,300 employers audited and certified by the institute, found North America is leading the way in wellness programs, with 80 per cent of employers offering them, up 34 percentage points […]
The vast majority (91.8 per cent) of British Columbia’s government employees were covered by a registered pension plan in 2017, compared to just 17.7 per cent of their counterparts in the province’s private sector, according to a new report by the Fraser Institute. Among those covered by a registered pension, 94 per cent of government […]
Unifor members employed by three Ontario casinos have voted to ratify new three-year contracts that include improvements to their pension plans. Unifor members from Local 1090 at Casino Ajax and Great Blue Heron Casino, as well as Local 504 at Elements Casino Brantford, voted to accept a tentative agreement, which includes a one per cent increase […]
A Quebec-based not-for-profit organization is suggesting a series of public policy proposals to encourage fathers in the province to take more parental leave and prompt employers to focus more on work-life balance. The Regroupement pour la valorisation de la paternité has identified five specific challenges faced by fathers. In the case of parental leave, it noted that fathers in […]
Expanded leave of absence entitlements in British Columbia, including parental and compassionate leave, took effect at the end of May. The changes to the province’s Employment Standards Act allow mothers to start their maternity leave as early as 13 weeks before their expected due date, which is up from the previous 11 weeks. The province also […]
SurveyMonkey Inc. is introducing health benefits, improved time-off policies and transportation subsidies for its contract employees and those who work with the company through third-party commercial services. Working with California-based i2i Benefits and Insurance Services, the company developed a benefits framework for its on-site contract workers and vendor partners, including its janitorial and food service providers. The company […]