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A look at the legal risk for benefits plan sponsors

With Canada’s population ageing and research and development looking to produce medications that are beneficial for this evolving demographic, drugs are becoming more expensive, according to Mitch Frazer, partner and chair of the pensions and employment practice at Torys LLP.  In fact, among all the countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Canada has the third […]

B.C. Supreme Court holds non-trustee liable for pension losses

The British Columbia Supreme Court has found that an individual who was the “directing mind of a company,” but not a trustee of its pension plan, was personally liable for a contribution shortfall because he “knowingly assisted” the company in breaches of its fiduciary duties. “The case is a heads-up, especially for small employers, to […]

Nortel pensioners lose $200M refund battle with Ontario’s PBGF

Ontario’s pension benefits guarantee fund has successfully reclaimed some $200 million from monies allocated to pensioners in Nortel Networks Corp. bankruptcy proceedings. The silver lining for pensioners is that the decision by the Financial Services Tribunal finally puts an end to the uncertainty they’ve experienced since their benefits were cut off in 2010. “It would have […]

Ethical veganism a philosophical belief, finds British tribunal in pension investment case

On Friday, a judge in Norwich, U.K. ruled that ethical veganism qualifies as a philosophical belief under Britain’s Equality Act, in a pension-related case filed by ethical vegan Jordi Casamitjana against his former employer, the League Against Cruel Sports. In late 2018, Casamitjana took his grievance to Britain’s employment tribunal, alleging he was unduly dismissed for raising concerns over the organization’s […]

Top 10 legal stories of 2019

Popular legal cases in 2019 covered age discrimination, bankruptcy proceedings, constructive dismissals and a range of other topics. Benefits Canada rounds up the industry’s most popular legal stories of the year: 1. Settlement reached in Ontario age discrimination benefits case 2. Ontario appeal court decision could change pension landscape in bankruptcy proceedings 3. Court confirms employer’s right to change job conditions 4. Class […]

Top 10 health and benefits stories of 2019

On the health benefits front, readers were focused on paid leave, legislative changes, medical cannabis and a range of other issues in 2019. Benefits Canada rounds up the industry’s most popular health and benefits stories of the year: 1. Employers urged to prepare for incoming EI parental sharing benefit 2. WSIB policy on medical cannabis takes effect 3. Scotiabank adds extra paid personal days […]

What pension legislation is expected in 2020?

Pension plan stakeholders will see a continued evolution of both short- and long-term reform, with some significant developments expected in 2020. “Hopefully, Ontario will finalize the rules for its target benefit regime — perhaps we’ll see the introduction of single employer target-benefit rules — and there should be some action on variable benefits because the […]

The federal government is giving the Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission and the Community Legal Information Association of PEI $1.7 million over five years for a public awareness campaign on workplace sexual harassment. The campaign, which will be aimed at employers and employees, will include training designed for employers to support the prevention and identification of sexual harassment […]

  • By: Staff
  • December 13, 2019 December 3, 2020
  • 15:00
Legal case highlights thorny issue of consent benefits under DB pension plans

An important case around an employer’s ability to change its practice in granting consent benefits under a pension plan is winding its way through the courts. The case, Hall et al v Canadian National Railway, involves a dispute by a group of former employees of the Canadian National Railway Co. who resigned, prior to age 55, between the years […]

More than half of Canadians say they’ve witnessed at least one instance of inappropriate sexual behaviour at work, according to a new report by Statistics Canada. The report on gender-based violence and unwanted sexual behaviour found men were slightly more likely (56 per cent) than women (53 per cent) to have witnessed this behaviour in a work […]