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The Bank of Montreal is empowering employees to become allies for their co-workers in the LGBTQ2S+ community. As part of its Zero Barriers to Inclusion 2025 strategy, released in September 2020, BMO launched its Road to Allyship training program to help employees on their own journey to allyship during Pride Month this June. The program […]

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When it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, Canadian employers have room for improvement, according to a new series of LinkedIn polls conducted by LHH. In one poll, 39 per cent of employees said their workplace still didn’t feel inclusive, despite the rise in visible corporate diversity, equity and inclusion committees and programs. By […]


By encouraging employees to be their authentic selves at work, pension plans can make better investment decisions, says Adrian Mitchell, vice-president of public equities at the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan. “I think having some out LGBTQ people around demonstrates to everyone else it’s safe to be who you are. We’re going to make better […]

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While a recent dispute between the Canadian National Railway Co. and the surviving same-sex partner of a deceased plan member will likely inspire other plan sponsors to ensure pension benefits are correctly distributed, the amount of new claimants coming forward will likely be relatively small, says Jill Wagman, managing principal at Eckler Ltd. “It may […]

When Mercer Canada recently partnered with a vendor on an employee well-being initiative, the human resources team noticed the images included in the materials reflected a stereotypical idea of the traditional family — a heterosexual couple with two children, all Caucasian. “It wasn’t reflective of our population,” says Julie Duchesne, Mercer’s health business leader in […]

To build on its efforts in support of the LGBTQ2S+ community, TD Bank is embedding diversity, equity and inclusion into the framework of the organization at every level. In 2020, the bank launched a gender identity and expression initiative for its 90,000 employees in Canada and the U.S., says Girish Ganesan, global head of diversity […]

Scotiabank will be offering coverage for enhanced gender affirmation procedures for eligible employees and their dependants in Canada and the U.S. starting June 1. The coverage will help fill the gaps in coverage to better support people from the transgender community on their own personal gender affirmation journey, said a press release. It will also […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021
  • 09:00
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The Canadian National Railway Co. is amending its pension policy after awarding benefits to a widower who was initially denied because of an outdated rule regarding same-sex couples. On Monday, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Newfoundland resident Ken Haire was in a years-long battle with CN Rail over access to spouse Gerry Schwarz’s pension benefits. […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 7, 2021 May 6, 2021
  • 09:00

Green Shield Canada is introducing a gender-affirmation offering in all group plans as a standard benefit. The offering is effective June 30 and reimburses plan sponsors with expenses that are “above and beyond typical plan designs,” according to a press release, which noted Green Shield Canada will also ensure all provincial and territorial health-care supports […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 30, 2021 May 2, 2021
  • 15:00

TD Bank is broadening its diversity, equity and inclusion goals and connecting employees through anti-racism e-learnings, promoting intersectionality and a storytelling approach. During the month of February, which is Black History Month, many employers in Canada and around the world are furthering their commitments to making their workplaces more equitable and inclusive. On the heels […]