Keyword: liability-driven investment

37 results found
Sun Life buying U.S. asset management firm

Sun Life Financial has agreed to purchase New York City-based Ryan Labs for an undisclosed amount.

  • By: Staff
  • January 28, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 09:57
6 aspects of an LDI strategy to consider

Why we need to keep talking about LDI—even in a low-rate environment.

  • By: Erwan Pirou
  • December 11, 2014 September 13, 2019
  • 07:00
3 tips to de-risk your portfolio

If you are a DB pension plan sponsor, your plan is likely invested in a traditional balanced fund structure. A mix of 60% public equities and 40% core fixed income has long been the recipe for achieving the required rate of return plan sponsors need to cover their benefit obligations. However, the current low-growth, low-yield environment is making it increasingly difficult to hit the mark, and this type of strategy completely ignores a plan’s unique liability profile.

Enjoy the ride

Pension plans are protecting themselves from market ups and downs by matching assets to liabilities

Risk reduction top pension priority in 2013

For the fourth year running, corporate pension plan sponsors are making controlling funding status volatility a top priority, an SEI quick poll has found.

  • By: Staff
  • January 18, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 09:53
Standard Life launches new LDI funds

Standard Life Investments has launched a series of target liability bond pooled funds, which are designed to make customized liability-driven investment solutions more readily available to small and mid-size DB pension plans.

  • By: Staff
  • January 17, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 10:06
Q&A with HOOPP

Jim Keohane, president of the Healthcare Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP), is credited with reducing the organization’s investment risks, which helped the plan weather the financial downturn and come out well ahead of the market by 2009. In this Q&A, Keohane discusses his investment strategy and its application to HOOPP.

How to manage the risks of de-risking

Originally from our sister publication, Interest rate risk and liability driven investment (LDI) have made headlines in the last few years. There is even talk now of versions 2.0 or 3.0 of LDI strategies. Implementation of such strategies has certainly been delayed in the current low-interest rate environment. However, it is believable that, at […]

Q&A: CBC pension plan responds to critics

The CBC/Radio-Canada Pension plan has led the way with its LDI strategy, but public sector plans have also faced some tough critics and even tougher markets. Debra Alves, the plan’s managing director and CEO, describes the challenges of managing a public sector pension plan in a rough environment. How would you respond to critics of […]

Leading the way in LDI

Likewise, the CBC/Radio-Canada Pension Plan, launched a half-century ago, became something of a pioneer when it adopted a liability driven investing (LDI) approach in 2005.