The Canadian pension risk transfer market registered about $6.6 billion in annuity sales in the second half of 2021, far exceeding the activity of any previous calendar year, according to a new report by Eckler Ltd. It found total annual sales of about $7.7 billion were generated in 2021, with more than $200 million in business […]
Retirees with defined benefit pension plans are less likely to draw down their savings to cover their spending than those with a defined contribution plan, according to a new report by the University of Michigan. It found while most employees born between 1920 and 1940 had access to a DB plan, this percentage dropped dramatically […]
Pension coverage in the public sector is high, with the vast majority of public sector employees covered by a defined benefit pension plan. However, the story is very different in the private sector as pension coverage is much lower and is trending downwards. Only 22 per cent of private sector employees participated in a registered […]
A new multi-employer pension plan is being created for Canadian incorporated physicians. The Medicus Pension Plan, developed by MD Financial Management Inc. and Scotiabank, will provide physicians with predictable lifetime retirement income based on personal earnings and years of service with their medical corporation, while pooling investments, longevity and economic risks among all plan participants, […]
An article on British Columbia’s paramedics and their need for enhanced mental-health benefits was the most read story over the past week on Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. B.C. paramedics seeking enhanced mental-health benefits 2. Canadian pension plans overcoming legislation, governance challenges: webinar 3. Ontario’s DB pension plans should take steps […]
Representatives from a few of Canada’s most progressive pension plans weighed in on topics ranging from plan design to the various challenges posed by legislation and governance during a webinar hosted by the Association of Canadian Pension Management last week. Orla Cousineau, executive director of pensions at the University of British Columbia, said the province’s […]
Nearly two years after the declaration of the global coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent impact on the worldwide economy, institutional investors are looking to the future with cautious optimism. Amid a recovering economy and rising inflation, pension plan sponsors are taking a long-term investment view and staying the course in the year ahead, while incorporating […]
Defined benefit pension plans offer substantial cost advantages over 401(k)-style defined contribution plans, according to a new report by the National Institute on Retirement Security. The U.S. report found a typical DB pension — with advantages based on longevity risk pooling, asset allocation, low fees and professional management — has a 49 per cent cost advantage […]
With 10 million Canadian baby boomers entering retirement, dynamic pension pools could help seniors turn their accumulated savings into low-cost lifetime pension income, according to a new report by Ryerson University’s National Institute on Ageing and the Global Risk Institute. According to the report, dynamic pension pools can help Canadians optimize their expected lifetime retirement […]
Purpose Investments Inc. is introducing a new longevity pension fund, which invests 50 per cent in equities and 50 per cent in fixed income. It can be incorporated into a defined contribution plan to provide plan members with an in-plan decumulation option, says Pat Leo, vice-president of retirement solutions at Purpose Investments, noting investors can redeem […]