The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario is seeking feedback on its proposed guidance on requirements for pension plans to take certain actions to avoid de-registration under the Income Tax Act. The proposed guidelines would provide an overview of the documents and information required by the FSRA and the Canadian Revenue Agency for pension plans […]
While the latest stage of the coronavirus pandemic is heralding a gradual return to relative calm, plan sponsors are stepping out of the frying pan and into the fire. The pandemic accelerated the ongoing evolution in the relationship between plan sponsors and plan members, with employees now looking to their employers to help them manage […]
While institutional investors are no strangers to established markets such as Europe and the U.S., the world’s emerging and frontier markets can provide diversification and opportunities for lucrative returns. Not surprisingly, events such as the coronavirus pandemic and a shifting geopolitical landscape are influencing these decisions in 2022 and beyond. In recent months, Russia’s invasion […]
Dave Muffley thought he had it made when it came to a solid retirement. The Indiana man spent roughly 30 years as a salaried maintenance technician for Delphi Corp. — a subsidiary of General Motors Corp. — and expected to retire with a comfortable income by the time he hit age 62. But when GM […]
The IWA–Forest Industry pension plan and long-term disability plan are appointing Mark Guiton as chief executive officer. Guiton (pictured left), who has been the organizations’ general counsel since 2017, is replacing outgoing CEO Derrick Johnstone. Prior to joining the IWA, he was director of legal services for the British Columbia Safety Authority for more than nine years. […]
Reassuring frustrated blue-collar voters, U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday visited Ohio iron workers to highlight federal action to shore up troubled pension funding for millions now on the job or retired — and to make his political case that he’s been a champion for workers in the White House. Biden’s speech at a Cleveland […]
As the move away from traditional defined benefit plans continues and intensifies, Canada’s multi-employer pension plans are providing employers with another retirement savings option for their employees. And despite facing a number of challenges, from industries in decline to legislative obstacles, MEPPs continue to attract plan sponsors from across the country. Read: Canadian MEPPs facing challenges […]
In its 2022 budget on Thursday, the Ontario government said it’s implementing a permanent target-benefit pension plan framework in 2023. The budget noted specified Ontario multi-employer pension plans, which provide these types of benefits, have been operating under temporary regulations that will expire in 2024 unless replaced by a permanent framework. “A permanent target-benefit framework […]
A new multi-employer pension plan is being created for Canadian incorporated physicians. The Medicus Pension Plan, developed by MD Financial Management Inc. and Scotiabank, will provide physicians with predictable lifetime retirement income based on personal earnings and years of service with their medical corporation, while pooling investments, longevity and economic risks among all plan participants, […]
An article on British Columbia’s paramedics and their need for enhanced mental-health benefits was the most read story over the past week on Here are the five most popular news stories of the week: 1. B.C. paramedics seeking enhanced mental-health benefits 2. Canadian pension plans overcoming legislation, governance challenges: webinar 3. Ontario’s DB pension plans should take steps […]