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Three-quarters (74 per cent) of U.S. defined contribution pension plan sponsors say they’ll review plan fees throughout 2024, according to a new survey by investment consulting firm Callan. The survey, which polled more than 130 DC plan sponsors, found that half of respondents said they’re likely to move to lower-cost investment vehicles in 2024, up […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024
  • 15:00

The total value traded in Canada’s equities marketplace reached $4.2 trillion as at Dec. 31, 2023, a 10 per cent decline from the previous 12-month period, according to a new report by the Canadian Securities Administrators. It found Canada’s equities marketplace faced a challenging market environment in 2023 caused by higher interest rates and tighter […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 19, 2024 March 18, 2024
  • 09:00

More than a third (37 per cent) of U.S. employers that offer a non-qualified retirement plan say attraction and retention of key talent is their No. 1 reason for offering these plans, according to a new survey by WTW. The survey, which polled around 400 employers representing more than 7.5 million employees, found more than […]

  • By: Staff
  • August 17, 2023 August 16, 2023
  • 09:00

Three-quarters (76 per cent) of U.S. defined contribution pension plan sponsors say their plan offers automatic enrolment, according to a new survey by investment consulting firm Callan. The survey, which polled roughly 100 DC plan sponsors, found the vast majority used auto-enrolment for new hires, while far fewer offered this feature for current employees. Half […]

  • By: Staff
  • March 31, 2023 March 30, 2023
  • 09:00

A deal for the Royal Bank of Canada to absorb HSBC Bank Canada for $13.5 billion is good news for pension plans, said Dave McKay, chief executive officer of RBC. “This is good for shareholders ⁠— which are largely pension funds ⁠— and that’s average Canadian pension funds,” said McKay during a conference call. The […]

U.S. employers offering 403(b) retirement plans will benefit from access to collective investment trusts, according to a report by the Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association. It noted the latest version of the Securing a Strong Retirement Act passed the House in March and, if it passes through the Senate with language that allows institutional 403(b) […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 6, 2022 July 6, 2022
  • 15:00

The potential impact of a disorderly transition to a low carbon economy is a top factor driving financial market regulators to accelerate and focus their efforts on climate-related risks, said Tamara DeMos, chair of the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ environmental, social and governance committee and managing director of private pensions. Speaking during the […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 27, 2022 June 24, 2022
  • 09:00

More than half (61 per cent) of U.S. employees nearing retirement age believe low interest rates combined with rising inflation will make it difficult to create a retirement income stream that will last their lifetimes, according to a new survey by Global Atlantic Financial Group. It also found a quarter (24 per cent) of survey […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 19, 2022 April 18, 2022
  • 09:00

Nearly a third (29 per cent) of Canadians expressed concern about the impact of rising inflation on their retirement savings, according to a new survey by the Royal Bank of Canada. It found concerns about inflation were highest among respondents aged 25 to 34 (40 per cent). In addition to inflation, which reached a 30-year […]

  • By: Staff
  • January 24, 2022 January 24, 2022
  • 09:00
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Purpose Investments Inc. is introducing a new longevity pension fund, which invests 50 per cent in equities and 50 per cent in fixed income. It can be incorporated into a defined contribution plan to provide plan members with an in-plan decumulation option, says Pat Leo, vice-president of retirement solutions at Purpose Investments, noting investors can redeem […]