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Based on multiple studies, it’s estimated that roughly 15 to 20 per cent of the global population is neurodivergent, an umbrella term that includes autism, dyslexia, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and Tourette’s syndrome. With a significant portion of employees identifying as neurodiverse, organizations that aren’t tapping into this talent pool could struggle to remain competitive, says […]

BNP Paribas in Canada’s 2023 Workplace Benefits Awards win is reinforcing the company’s goal of expanding its diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, says Flavie Motte, the financial company’s head of human resources. The organization’s extensive efforts to embed DEI policies into its business practices led to its win in the DEI program category of the awards. In […]


Canadian employers have taken important steps forward on a range of diversity, equity and inclusion matters. That work continues, particularly in the context of neurodiversity, which applies to an estimated 15 per cent to 20 per cent of the global population. Neurodiversity is a broad category that includes autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, Tourette’s syndrome, […]


More than two-thirds (68 per cent) of U.S. employees say they’re either unfamiliar with or don’t understand the concept of neurodiversity, according to new research from Eagle Hill Consulting. The survey, which polled more than 1,200 workers, found fewer than a fifth (16 per cent) said there have been formal conversations about neurodiversity in their […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 1, 2024 April 1, 2024
  • 15:00

Neuro-inclusion means creating an inclusive employee life cycle for neurodivergent professionals by employing technology, processes and support systems that accommodate their unique needs and enhance the experience of securing and advancing a career for these workers. Creating a truly inclusive work culture requires collaboration at all levels of an organization. While it may seem like […]


An article on how the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System has contributed to the province’s gross domestic product was the most-read story on BenefitsCanada.com this past week. Here are the top five human resources, benefits, pension and investment stories of the week: 1. OMERS pension benefits accounted for 9.3% of Ontario retirement income in 2023: report […]

  • By: Staff
  • February 23, 2024 February 22, 2024
  • 09:00

Employers have the opportunity to create a more inclusive workplace by focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion as employees return to the office. The shift to remote working during the coronavirus pandemic presented employers an opportunity to reassess what, where and how work gets done, says Stephanie Braid, the director of inclusion, diversity and equity at KPMG […]

Achieving a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace requires a multi-pronged approach that ensures inclusion is embedded into business practices, beginning with traditional recruitment practices. After the social justice movement of 2020 in response to the death of George Floyd, employers across the globe pledged to address systemic racism in the workplace. Indeed, many Canadian employers […]

With hybrid and remote working arrangements becoming increasingly common, employers can take an inclusive approach to help employees with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder feel more engaged and productive, says Dr. Marie-Hélène Geoffroy, a family medicine physician at the Cleveland Clinic Canada. “ADHD needs structure and remote working requires individuals to manage their own schedule and tasks, […]

BNP Paribas in Canada’s extensive efforts to embed diversity, equity and inclusion policies into its business practices took home the award in the DEI program category at Benefits Canada’s 2023 Workplace Benefits Awards on Oct. 20. “It’s an honour to have been recognized by Benefits Canada and we are thrilled!” says Stéphanie Champagne, BNP Paribas’ head […]