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While the Canadian retirement industry has spent a lot of time focusing on the accumulation stage, the decumulation conversation is much further behind. For defined contribution pension plans, almost all jurisdictions across the country have now passed variable benefits legislation, including Ontario, which began allowing the option on Jan. 1, 2020. However, despite receiving legal […]

Draft Annuity Purchase Regulations Published

New DB pension proposals in Quebec, Ontario tackle annuity purchases.

OPB Reports 97% Funded Status

Plan posts an increase of nearly two percentage points compared to last year’s return.

Why Solvency Reform Won’t Make It Better

More reforms just a Band-Aid solution for troubled DB plans.

  • December 22, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 07:28
Ontario could scrap solvency-funding requirement

Proposals on the table to revamp DB pension rules.

Ontario moves ahead with pension plan

Mandatory ORPP coming soon to a workplace near you.

Keohane, Denison to Consult on Ontario Pension Fix

Six experts to consult on retirement security.

Is Ontario the New Greece?

A warning to Canadians who think it can't happen here.

  • April 18, 2013 September 13, 2019
  • 15:23
Has Austerity Gone Too Far?

The worst is the expectation that meeting budget targets in the short-term has any impact on long-term growth.

  • May 3, 2012 September 13, 2019
  • 09:47