Keyword: pay equity

80 results found

Under new legislation announced Monday, Ontario employers could soon be required to include salary ranges in job postings and disclose if artificial intelligence is part of their hiring process. “It’s an unacceptable reality that women today in Ontario earn an average of 87 cents for every dollar earned by men,” said Labour Minister David Piccini […]


More than a third (36 per cent) of U.S. employers say they disclose individual pay ranges to employees and nearly half (46 per cent) are planning or considering doing so in the future, according to a new survey by WTW. The survey, which polled nearly 450 employers, found roughly half (48 per cent) said they […]

  • By: Staff
  • October 20, 2023 October 19, 2023
  • 09:00

Job advertisements in New York will have to disclose proposed pay rates after a statewide salary transparency law went into effect on Sunday, part of growing state and city efforts to give women and people of colour a tool to advocate for equal pay for equal work. Employers with at least four workers will be required to disclose salary ranges for any job advertised externally to […]

While Canada has had pay equity laws since the 1970s, gender pay gaps still exist, but new pay transparency legislation in British Columbia is aiming to make an impact. Paulette Senior, president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Women’s Foundation The pace of closing the gender pay gap is glacial. All kinds of reports […]

The Federal Pay Equity Act, which took effect on Aug. 31, 2021, requires all federally regulated employers with 10 or more employees to prepare and post a pay equity plan by Sept. 3, 2024. In addition, it requires all unionized employers or those with 100 or more workers to establish a pay equity plan — […]


In 2019, Canadians with disabilities earned an average annual income of $43,400, substantially lower than people without disabilities ($55,200), a pay gap of 21.4 per cent, according to a new report from Statistics Canada. It found a 24.3 per cent pay gap between men with disabilities (average annual earnings of $48,700) and men without disabilities ($64,300). By comparison, […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 11, 2023 July 11, 2023
  • 15:00

At the beginning of April, the OPSEU Pension Trust made a change to a definition in its plan text that will have meaningful implications for plan members with disabled children who need to continue to rely on their parents into adulthood. The organization expanded the definition of a child eligible for survivor benefits to include […]

The gender pay gap is narrowing in Canada, with women earning roughly 21 per cent less than men in 2022, compared to 24 per cent less in 2021, according to a new survey by ADP Canada. The survey, which polled more than 1,500 workers, found the average salary for men was $72,743, compared to $57,725 […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 21, 2023 June 21, 2023
  • 15:00

Two-thirds (67 per cent) of North American men say they earn $55,000 or more, compared to just 39 per cent of women, according to a new survey by the Robert Walters Group. The survey, which polled more than 6,000 employees, found 44 per cent of non-binary employees reported feeling underpaid, followed by 40 per cent […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 7, 2023 June 6, 2023
  • 09:00

Nearly all (94 per cent) Canadian employees say they’d look for a new job if their pay was regularly delayed, according to a new survey by the National Payroll Institute. The survey, which polled more than 1,500 workers, found 91 per cent agreed they’d look for a new job if their pay was regularly inaccurate. […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 9, 2023 May 8, 2023
  • 09:00